Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why I Garden: Reason #3: A Garden is Filled With Unusual Connections

I could say the usual spiel about plants and bugs and soil. And these are all near and dear to a gardener's heart. But Reason #3 is much greater. Gardeners and gardens (and garden blogs) keep you connected in wonderful and unusual ways.  I didn't go through this terrible drought alone. There were others that cared enough to comment with thoughts of 'hang in there' and 'me too...hope we make it'. 
I didn't go through the horrific southern freezes (and snows!) of the past two winters alone. Other southern gardeners commented and we supported each other.
These are all wonderful connections that make gardeners friends for life.

But the strangest and I think most interesting connection is the one that spans time. A garden and a garden blog are about the connections of time....past, present, and future in your garden.
Here's a funny story about that very thing:
Our wonderful counselor (and gardener) retired last year from our school. We loved to compare notes and trade stories. I still miss her. What's funny is she sneaks back up to school and puts old garden magazines in my mailbox with the single word 'ENJOY'. I like that. Interestingly, she dropped off a magazine this week from waaaay back in 2006 and on the back page was a story about GARDEN BLOGS. This was a story from one of the original garden bloggers and I read with interest her fascination with connections. I loved everything she talked about: sharing pictures, connecting with comments, having debates, and the astonishment she had over a few hundred people actually reading her garden blog each week. She even had chickens and you know how fond I am of other gardeners that have chickens.
I immediately connected with this gardener from long ago....(2006 is long ago in this computer age).
So was she still blogging after five long years?  They gave the url at the end of the article and I was both excited and worried that this mystery gardener might have hung up her blogging trowel by now.
Here's her blog if you want to find out:

Thanks, Amy for a garden and garden blog filled with connections!

David/ :-)


  1. Wonderful. Interesting. This post made me smile.

  2. I was always fascinated by connections through blogs! Anywhere in the world, there gardeners to share experiences!
    I think...if you have a blog, "el mundo es un pañuelo". It means the world is small.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana

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