Friday, January 4, 2013


Take a look at my latest collage. I actually had a plan this time; to put yellow leaves on the corners and radiating agaves and ribbons in between. These photos were from my Christmas garden a year ago.
It was fun trying out three different online programs and each one did a nice job.
Here's the layout for PicMonkey. 
It takes a little time to figure this one out, but basically there's a blank blue square on the left and that's the access point for downloading your photos into the 'bank' on the left. 
After that, you can choose your template, then pull the photos over. 
You can add more photos to the template by hovering between squares. 
There are no 'artsy' features like the collage maker from yesterday, so this one is for your serious photos. 
As a bonus, there's a thinner template that would be great for a new header idea.

Hope you've enjoyed this little adventure in collage making.
I go back to school on Monday, so it's back to the 9 to 5 (really 7:30 to 6) daily grind, but I love it!



  1. I like this one, it's very good in terms of color and design.

    Picmonkey has the best prefab options for collages that I've found.

  2. Thanks for the explanation on how to use Picmonkey. I couldn't figure out how to change the layouts when I looked at it the other day. This was a litter easier than I originally thought. Fun stuff, whichever program. Enjoy going back to school!

  3. You have got me thoroughly hooked, have tried several programs now :-)

  4. David, I enjoyed the collages and slide show. You took some nice pictures last year. Looking forward to more in 2013. Have a great new year.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana