Thursday, January 3, 2013


If you google "pizap collage" you'll get to invite Andy Warhol to your garden blog! (Click on Andy Warhol if you need a sample of his pop art)
This collage was way too easy and the options were great.
Thank-you everyone for your comments and tips yesterday. I'm trying them out one at a time.
This tip is from my garden friend Toni. Thanks, Toni! :0)

Now if all this retro-psycho POP ART is not your style, piZap will make NORMAL flower collages as well. It takes about one minute to design a masterpiece. Your GBBD will never be the same!
WARNING: You might want to wait until the weekend to try out piZap. Otherwise you'll stay up all night messing around. I'll leave you with a foliage collage. There's one template with 12 boxes but I only have time for six. It is SO MUCH FUN!


  1. Hi, I had to try out some of these collages after commenting on your previous post, never done one myself but seen them around. It's true you can end up spending half the night, I got completely hooked! Keep on creating, you can make a whole collection :-)

  2. That's pretty cool looking! Even the non-pop-art one. Thanks for sharing...

  3. This is so much fun, isn't it, David!!! I'm glad you gave the piZap a try. Thank YOU for inspiring me to try the collage making! It is addicting, I must say :-) I liked the "poster" option -- thought that was pretty cool looking. I took the suggestion from someone who left you a comment to use the collage as my desktop background. Have you seen the option to add bubbles and text to pictures? I think I'll try that one next. The possibilities are endless :-)

  4. The Andy Warhol treatment is great, I've tried that with my agave photos and it's fun. I'll see if I can post one soon. There are so many options out there. Looking for what you come up with next!

  5. I love the bottom picture in the middle. It looks like a face. :o) I just finished watching a zombie movie and may be up all night playing with this until I'm dezombified enough to sleep!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana