Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So many of my blogging friends have these wonderful collages, so I used a free online version (see corner)  and here's the result. 
It took about 4 mouse clicks per image, but other than that it was easy. I then used a snippet tool and saved it into my photo files. No downloading necessary!
I have Picasa, but the collage feature doesn't work with my account. Do I need a 'deluxe' version of Picasa to get this feature?
How do the rest of you make such wonderful collages?
I'd love to know.
P.S. These flowers  are for our lawmakers who averted the horrors of the fiscal cliff. My family would take a fiscal nose dive with an extra $3,500 a year in taxes!  And for those making over $450,000 a year, I'm sorry you have to pay extra taxes.


  1. Hello David! I use Picasa to make collages. I do think you have to download it to your computer (ie its not just the online version) but that's still free. The command is under create/picture collage. But whichever program you used, this one looks pretty also!

  2. Pretty collage David, it's fun to remember all the blooms from the summer.

    I don't use Picasa since they changed it. I have been working with Picmonkey and like their free collage options.

  3. I have been wondering how people do the collages. I feel like such a techo-dinosaur! I will stay tuned to your comments section to see what I can learn! You did a great job on your first attempt!!

  4. I just tried Picmonkey and it was a piece of cake!! I'm so excited to learn a new trick :-) Thanks for stepping out there and giving it a try!

  5. That's a lovely collage, and so fun when you learn something new :-)
    I use Photoshop myself, but whenever I am stuck at something I just ask Google, it is amazing what you can find that other people before you have already asked! I found this one for you:

  6. Hi! ^_^

    I never made a collage... I like a lot yours, it's beautiful,

    have a nice evening ^.^

  7. I found another collage maker called Gives lots more options than picmonkey.

  8. Your collage is very pretty. I've never tried to do a collage, so I can't help you. It amazes me all the things one can do with photos these days!

  9. Your collage will make a nice desktop wallpaper too :)

  10. Pretty collage! I downloaded PicFrame for my Mac, it's the same app that I have on my phone. Seems to work well too.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana