Monday, July 2, 2012


First the good news: all the plants are still alive. Now the bad news: I forgot to water the new bat-faced Cuphea for just ONE DAY. It curled and went into 'crispy' mode before I was able to save it. Thankfully I took photos before it lost all its pretty red flowers. Happy 4th of July a little early.
Blackfoot daisy(white), Blue Daze (blue) and Periwinkle (red). Oh, and a small Forget-Me-Not that I almost forgot..uh..moving on...LOL

My patriotic flowers!

Here's the RED bat-faced Cuphea before it became...
 DEAD, white and blue. I'm happy to report that she is still alive after I put her in my plant hospital's IC unit.
A view of the IC unit and the Patient under a grow light. Patient is recovering well but she lost her flowers.
Here's the Red, White, and Blue display and the Cuphea during happier days. I wanted tiny red flowers since they blend so nicely with the Agave motif.

Here's another view. Maybe I should buy a second Cuphea while the first is recovering. What would you do?
In the meantime, happy 4th of July from my garden!
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wow, love the last two photos, your Agaves look fabulous!

    (and I'm glad you were able to rescue your plant)

  2. And a Happy 4th of July to you too! Your Agaves looks fab!

  3. Those patriotic arrangements are so pretty David. My bat-faced cuphea has been toast several times and always comes back so don't give up on it even if it's just a leafless stick.

    Happy Fourth!

  4. Glad your patient is on the mend. Good job you took the photos when you did.

  5. lol...Love that you have a "plant hospital" for your sick plants. What a perfect red-white-and-blue bouquet for the holiday. I need to go scour my garden now for reds, whites, and blues to see what I can come up with. Happy Fourth of July to you and yours!

  6. Your patriotic bouquet is very pretty, David. I am glad that you were able to rescue your Cuphea. It may have lots its blooms, but it can always flower again another day.

  7. I saw a red bat-faced Cuphea on a garden tour this spring/summer and want one for my garden. Sorry that your had to make a trip to the plant hospital. I saw it on a waterwise tour, so I'm sure it will bounce back.

  8. Your title cracks me up! I came by earlier but have still been having weird internet issues since the storm and my pages keep crashing. I love your plant ICU. I usually have a pot like that, too, although yours is much cozier with the GroLight. That cuphea is a cutie. I've never seen that here.

  9. I'm glad I read this when I did. You reminded me to check on the Black & Blue salvias I'd bought recently on clearance at Houston Plant & Garden World. They are NOT bargains if you forget to water them!

  10. Hi, David.
    I think the Cuphea's red is good accent!
    So, I strongly recommend you should buy a second one.
    And the combination of the Cuphea's red and Agave is so cooool!!!!

    By the way, knowing that you have the plant hospital, I should have the same one!
    How seet of you!!!

    I'm always fascinated by your Agave garden :)

  11. More plants is always good in my book. Go for the second Cuphea.

  12. I see you have not posted for quite a while. Hopefully, everything is fine with you. I would like to have more information about your plant hospital - what do you do? Grow light, more watering? How is the drought condition there? Are you having to water your garden everyday?

  13. Very belated “Happy America’s birthday!” from me. At first I thought maybe you were originally from France by the tricolor of “my patriotic flowers”. Then I realized the Stars and Stripes is also made up of these three colors. Excuse me for my slow reaction. Anyway, I like the arranged flowers in a blue bottle (not bluebottle) and I think I have the same red flowers like in your garden if they are cherry sages.



I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana