Thursday, June 28, 2012


Here in Texas, the house finch is probably the lowest bird on the totem pole. They get no respect, aren't wanted in the garden, and are generally a pest since they are an invasive species that crowds out our native birds. And yet...
the storm last week brought me a baby sparrow. The high winds knocked down limbs and filled the backyard to the brim.  So I rushed outside to clear a path for the flood. That's when I spotted the tiny bird clutching a twig in the flowing water.

The poor thing was soaked to the bone and shivering when I held it against my warm T-shirt.
Since the electricity was out, I couldn't warm it up with a hairdryer.
Instead I just held the tiny thing in my hand for the next hour.

It fell asleep, but I wasn't sure if it was asleep or dead.
After awhile it started to fluff up and open its eyes.
I was relieved and petted its head.
By now it was MY sparrow from MY garden and I felt I needed to get it back to its momma.

There was a lot of interest from the kittens!

I made a cozy nest for it on the back swing and it didn't even try to fly away.
It just sat there and listened for its mother.

So I stepped back...

...and stepped back.

And then it was gone....gone to its mother.

I miss my little sparrow and after holding one
 I now feel quite differently about them.
And that's what the storm brought me....a memory...and
a tiny life to take care of 
 if just for a moment.



  1. Adorable! Glad to see little one and mom seems to have been reunited in the end :)

  2. Sitting in my cool, shady office, I often peer out onto the patio and watch bird parents and babies. Funny, but I enjoy all our house finches that nest in a tree yucca each spring, though they are considered native out here...I think they go away in the summer.

  3. You saved the life of that sweet little bird. So many wouldn't have taken the time. Loved the story and pictures.

  4. Your story and pictures brought tears to my eyes! What a wonderful guardian angel you were to that fledgling. I refuse to believe that any animal is irrelevant. Divine intervention sent that bit of a bird to you. That kindness will come back to you. :o)

  5. Awww.. So adorable! Such a precious thing. What a gift to be able to help this little bird!

  6. Hi David,
    I ran across an old post of your's refrencing an Aechmea named 'Little Naru'. Look on the web for Aechmea Little Harv and I think you will find it to be your plant.
    Cheers, Scott
    Big Pine Key, Fl

  7. How very sweet. I'm so glad you were there to help the tiny bird. Your kitties are so precious!

  8. What a nice memory the storm presented you! I’m so touched with your kind heart, David, represented by the warmth of your hands. Someday you could hear it singing the praise of life to say thank you.


  9. Sweet post. I still can't get over those kittens!!!!

  10. To have a wild thing fall asleep in your hand--what an amazing experience! My youngest nephew (age 11) rescued an injured baby bird this summer and fed it by hand for a couple of days before they found a rescue center to take it in. He became possessive in that wonderful way, too: HIS bird. (When he couldn't find enough flies, he fed it cat food--not sure how that will affect its personality.)

    Beautifully told tale, David!

  11. Don't you wonder why you were there at just that moment? It must have felt so wonderful to be able to help :)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana