Wednesday, July 11, 2012


To celebrate my second year of blogging, I'd like to tell you why YOUR garden blog is important to me. As much as I love garden books and magazines, they still don't fill that special niche we call garden blogs. 

Garden Blogs are living, growing, and ever changing. They take us through seasons, through ups and downs, through the thrills of victory (like remaking your entire garden landscape)...

 and through the agony of defeat (like when one's entire garden is destroyed by a hurricane). But especially important is the fact that every garden blog has behind it a gardener; a person filled with ideas, of hopes, of visions and filled with endless dreams. 
Should I jump?
They want simply a closer walk with natural beauty. But most admirable is the fact that these gardeners (that would be YOU!) are filled with a desire to share their dreams with others.

Garden blogging is not easy. It takes a lot of time, a lot of creativity, and a lot of research. At times it takes some fancy camera work (in some very awkward positions) and it demands a writer's sensibility. 

Yet, you all do it. And you do it year after year.  I like that. I like that a lot.  Thanks to all who create and design these beautiful works of art we call Garden Blogs.
A beautiful new species of butterfly stops by today! Hope that lizard doesn't see it.
So thanks to all who stop by and enjoy this little garden called Tropical Texana. I promise you won't get eaten by a lizard!
David/ :0)
Falling Crapemyrtle blossoms on an Agave


  1. Happy Blogiverary! I love reading gardening blogs and 'meeting' people who enjoy gardening like I do. I learn so much!

  2. Happy anniversary, David! You're right. It's so cool to be able to share all the triumphs and tragedies of those whose blogs w follow. These relationships have become an important part of my life. Thanks for the recommendation of your friend's blog. I stopped by and enjoyed my visit. She has a very nice style that i enjoyed very much.

  3. What a lovely post David! Happy Blogiversary!

  4. Thank you David!
    Thanks for your creativity and humor! going through your blog is always fun and exciting!
    I like your lizard!

  5. Hi,David!
    I'm very impressed your post today!!!
    I have an tiny little veranda garden, but YES!!! filled with a desire to share my dream with others!!!

    By the way, thank you for your advise in my last post, and I posted my favorite bamboo garden near Tokyo!
    In fact, I'm running out of stories to post, so I'm glaaaad!!!

    I'm wondering what would happen to the lizard...
    Did it jump???:)

  6. David, happy blogiversary! Garden blogging has brought me some wonderful friends, near and far. I'm delighted that you're one of them!

  7. Happy blog anniversary. I am in total agreement with you about garden bloggers. I have learned an immeasurable amount from gardeners in my own state and from those in other states...such as yourself. Blogs have replaced garden magazines for me and the ideas to be found are endless. Keep blogging...

  8. Thanks David. I feel the same way and you nailed it on the spot when you say it fills a niche that magazines can't. I cancelled my subscriptions and read all the wonderful garden blogs now with all the ups and downs:) Thank you for sharing your part of world. Chris:)

  9. Happy Blogaversary! What a sweet sentiment. I love reading others' garden blogs, too, because it's so *real*. A magazine makes me think that someone had enough money to make a landscape. A garden blog, though, makes me think that someone had enough love to make a garden.

  10. What a generous way to celebrate your anniversary! I love travelling around the gardens of the world through people's blogs. I agree with you, blogging does take time, effort and commitment, even more so for gardening blogs (because we have to garden!). I'm happy to have Tropical Texana on my tour list :)

  11. David, what a lovely post--lovely to look at, and lovely to read and think about. One of my favorite things about garden bloggers is how incredibly generous they are with their time, ideas, advice, praise, and on and on. Your post really epitomizes that kind of generosity. Congratulations on year two!

    I love that amazing architectural leaf photo!

  12. 2 years and going strong...
    Congrats, Don

  13. Happy second anniversary David. And many happy blogging years to come.

  14. Happy blogiversary. I agree with you completely about garden blogs. I've learned so much more from blogs in the past few months than I have from gardening magazines.

  15. It's all so true and it's great to be part of such a vibrant, enthusiastic and creative blogging world. Happy blogversary. Keep on blogging for many more years to come because we all want to keep on enjoying your wonderful posts, your terrific garden and your great photos.

  16. Congratulations David! This is a great post! I agree with your sentiments entirely. As a newcomer to blogging, I am still finding my feet and I have been helped and supported by this wonderful community. As for magazines... since I discovered gardening blogs, I have given them up and I am still learning as much as before and my home is less cluttered with paper.

  17. Congratulations! I wish you many good blogging years in future. I've had my blog only a month. If you like to see, how a Finnish garden look like, welcome to visit my blog!


  18. David, Two years garden blogging and I just found you? I've been garden blogging for over 3 years. Glad you found the tropical checkered skipper, pretty hard to photograph too. The wife teaches 2nd grade and we bring in wild butterfly caterpillars for her class to raise, Usually Common Buckeyes and Black Swallowtails.

  19. Happy blogiversary, David! I'm glad you're sharing your garden and observations and dreams with us too!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana