Wednesday, July 18, 2012


If you have gardening friends try this: describe their garden in three words. It's not that easy since gardens can have so many angles and themes. For my friends David & Jeanine, we decided to call their place a:
  • very friendly....(they are good friends of ours)
  •  urban....(they are in the Houston Heights)
  •  courtyard garden.... (it IS just that) 

My second choice would be a vertical tropical courtyard garden.
My third choice would be the birdhouse whimsical garden! Let's go see it, shall we?

The front 'door' to the garden. David is a home builder so he loves to play around with ideas.
First, let's stop by the porch. You can tell a lot about gardeners by their footwear.
David's is on the left. Jeanine's is on the right. (At least I hope so...I didn't ask!)
Here's the cozy back porch with their cute cat.
David does all the stone and path work. Jeanine does all the plantings. 
A beautiful bird cage highlights this corner of the garden.
Don't you just love Jeanine's bird house collection? Each one is unique.
There are stone paths everywhere. David brings leftover stones from his job sights to add to the tapestry. The local Dichondra have found their niche while Saponaria ocymoides or Tumbling Ted wants to tumble out of the flower beds.
An angel keeps watch over the birdbath in a quiet corner.
Like most cities, space is precious. So the only way to go is up!
This beautiful Hass Avocado tree anchors the courtyard garden.
Speaking of going up, this Clerodendrum thomsoniae is racing upwards on a new trellis.
But it won't beat the blue Sky Vine (Thunbergia grandiflora)
A massive Pecan tree keeps things shady, but with time it should bloom.
Jeanine is shy, but I managed to find her behind this Butterfly ginger.
Bird cages, bird houses, bird baths, and now this whimsical bird pillow.
It was a tweet visit to their garden.
I couldn't get a photo of David. I think he was carrying around more stones!
That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hope you are inspired.


  1. I like their garden David, add the word charming too :)

  2. What a beautiful garden!! It looks like an oasis. Love the way David and Jeanine have it set up.

  3. I absolutely love that birdhouse collection!! So cute. I love the stone paths as well. It's great what people can do with even just a little urban courtyard!

  4. Lovely, friendly garden with tons of personality. It seems to live large which makes it special too.

  5. Enjoyed the tour! They've done a great job with their garden. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. What a beautiful garden! Very creative ideas here, too. I love those pathways! And the plantings are so lush. I like your idea of trying to describe a garden in three words.

  7. I love this garden, especially the bird houses. :o) They've done a beautiful job.

  8. Enjoyed the little visit to another garden. I think when the man of the house is interested in doing the heavy hard scape work then the garden is always more interesting. Either that or you have to have money to pay someone to do it.

  9. It was a lovely garden to visit, David. Thank you to you, Jeanine and David for sharing it with us.
    P.S. The thunbergia can become quite a monster if left unchecked.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana