Saturday, July 21, 2012


If you need to be transported to a tropical garden some cold, winter day, your virtual plane ticket should be Tropical Garden Design by Made Wijaya.
Packed with gorgeous tropical gardens from cover to cover, filled with beautiful text from chapter to chapter, and loaded with bungalows and tropical cottages, your moments inside this book will erase any memory of the snow outside.
Here's the back cover photo illustrating Made Wijaya's work. The cascade of ferns always catches my attention.
My own tropical garden has improved by reading his book.
I now pay a lot more attention to form and contrast.
Chapters include:
A History of Tropical Gardens
Balinese Gardens
Courtyards & Walled Compounds
Water Gardens
Planting Schemes
& Plant Lists
He even includes an entire chapter on Tropical Garden Art
I can't begin to imagine having a tropical garden in Bali.
But I can dream.
And isn't that what makes a garden book worth adding to your list?
Tropical Garden Design
by Made Wijaya
Published: 2003 by Periplus
Photos by Made Wijaya, Tim Street-Porter, & Luca Invernizzi Tettoni
208 pages 
with over 350 photos & illustrations

Please join Holley at Roses & Other Gardening Joys for more fabulous garden reviews.
Thanks, Holley &
thanks to all for stopping by!


  1. Hi David, I'm a huge Made Wijaya fan too. I have his book 'At home in Bali' and another called 'The Tropical Garden' that he features in. Really inspirational, and I love the back cover photo you have selected.

    1. Wow! It's nice to know that he has other books. I'll be on the lookout. He's originally from Australia, but moved to Indonesia and took on a new, adopted name.

  2. I love browsing through tropical garden books! If I can't have a "real" garden, then I can content myself just looking through the pages. Someday I hope to have a farm in the province where I can design it to look like the books cause that is not going to happen here in the city.

    1. When you get that farm, you must take photos!
      It will be tremendously beautiful.

  3. Tropical gardens always look so lush and interesting with all the different foliage. The chapter on Tropical Garden Art sounds very interesting!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, it is always fun to have a tropical garden. Various foliage types is always what I'm after and what adds excitement.

  4. This sound like a wonderful book! I love tropical gardens, and tropical plants - they seem so dramatic, and the foliage is always so interesting. I really should add more tropicals to my garden, and this looks like it's the perfect book for inspiration on doing that. Love that back cover photo, too. Thanks so much for joining in!

  5. I'm glad you highlighted and reviewed this book David, it sounds like a fantastic book! I'm about to buy it in the next few minutes :)

  6. I have that book too. I love it.

  7. beautiful garden i love to see tropical gardns especialy when they are not full for sharp pointy plants that can prick you

  8. That looks like a great book. Maybe if I actually get to have a conservatory someday I will look it up... or just to fend off the cold next winter!

  9. That was indeed a very interesting book review. I also love those cascading ferns. It was indeed a pretty sight. I am planning to have a vertical garden and I really thought it would be perfect. Tropical gardening really interests me, I so far I love the variety of plants. Cool!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana