Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Do we EVER have a last project? I guess if there's no more space to plant another single plant it might happen. But then we just start moving the stuff around! LOL

In my mind's eye, I can already see this project finished. I can tell you it will be dazzling as long as the weather stays NORMAL.
All of these plants were on sale for 70% off! I can do the entire project for $28.00!
It's been rainy and cloudy so I hope there won't be too much transplant stress.
These Gazania were on sale for 60 cents each!
This is a new plant for me and I'm pretty excited to grow some.
I have never liked Plumbago, but these were healthy, blooming and were on sale for $3.00 for a five gallon pot. Welcome home, Plumbago.
Crazy prices!
More crazy prices. 
These scarlet velvety Vincas were a dollar each. This is yet another new color for Vincas!
The photo doesn't do justice. This flower absolutely glows!
This lavender Salvia was on sale for $3.00 for a giant pot. This was the color I was looking for.
The Homestead Verbenas are the other color I was looking for! Things are starting to come together.
I had a wonderful visit with my garden friend, Cindy, at My Corner of Katy.
She gave me a start of this fantastic Rudbeckia triloba. It will blend nicely with the purples and violets.
There will be four little groups in this project.
This is the first vignette. It's near the street so it will feature low growing ground covers with shades of rose, purple, and lavender.
The second vignette will have taller flowers with that beautiful yellow Rudbeckia anchoring the set.
The third vignette will have more textures with the Mexican feather grass playing off the lavender Salvia and the large Windmill Palm. 
The last vignette will return to more lower growing plants that will frolic...yes, frolic in front of this Agave weberi.
The Gazanias will grow in the gravel.
This will complete the new section of the cottage garden.
Here's a recent shot of the first section I started in February.
What surprised me most is how much the lizards enjoy the place. I guess that goes with the higher butterfly traffic. Yipes!
Well, that's it for this time. 
My next post will feature Cindy's garden at My Corner of Katy.
You won't want to miss it!
The little lizard says thanks for stopping by, 
especially if you are a leafhopper.


  1. I see you DID stop at Houston Plants & Garden World! You can't beat their prices at this time of year. Thanks to all the rain we've had, their plants are in pretty good shape despite the heat, too. Have fun getting this project done!

  2. Haha....to me, the LAST project is the one before THIS project.
    It never ends.
    You got some great buys there.

  3. Great buys! You'll have a range of non-stop flowers when this gets done.
    I like that lavender salvia, the color works well with a lot of different plants. I like plumbago and grow plenty of them here in both blue and white. Hard to beat for late summer bloom and easy care.

  4. Believe me I understand about the projects! We gardeners always have something going don't we? Just finished one up at my place too, putting up a fountain. (few pix at my blog). You always find the great deals on plants! I visit Cindy's blog alot so I look forward to your pix. Everything looks good in your world. Carol

  5. You're right. The projects never stop coming. What better way to start one off than with a shopping spree during a plant sale. Sounds like someone had/is having a lot of fun!

  6. Oh wow! those are amazing prices, and most of the plants will stick around for a while which is good.... I love the completed garden section that you started in February. I can always find space for a couple more plants....

  7. How true is that David, no such thing as last project for us gardeners. As long as there's space there a potential project (or as you said move plants around :)) Great prices on those plants!

  8. Whoa you made out like a champ on those plants David.I would not be safe at a sale like that LOL!
    I love plumbago and over winter a prig of it here in the basement through winter. Maybe it is just the blue flowers LOL!

  9. Thanks for stopping in on GWGT. I have not seen you in a while. 70 percent off is quite a deal. Nurseries have been suffering this year after a decent early start to the year. Great when homeowners make out on their misfortune.

  10. I am working on one project that is taking forever! It's so hot outside but I have to get the bamboo moved and placed into this nasty caliche ridden ground!!! So I do pieces....one at a time...several buckets a day:) It won't be the last project by any means.

    Smart man with the plants. Good luck and hope it all fits together. I'll plunk a good amount of change when a sale goes on.....and then I get home with a bit of regret:) Plants are a weakness.

    That pretty lizard or anole is cute:)

  11. Looks like you got some real nice bargains...Can't wait to see the finished product. The bed you planted in spring looks fabulous!

  12. there is never a last project. Looks great!

  13. I LOVE having a project to work on! Are you sure that's triloba? It looks exactly like my rudbeckia deammi, but heck, a lot of them look very similar. LOVE how cheap your plants were. Most excellent! :o)

  14. Can't beat a bargain, especially when the plants look so good too.

  15. Can't wait to see your frolicking plants! Looks like you have some great deals there.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana