Saturday, July 28, 2012


Chances are if you were to google 'Texas cottage garden', 
the first entry to appear would be Cindy's garden at My Corner of Katy.
 So what exactly IS a Texas cottage garden? 
Unlike the English versions of cottage gardens, the rules must be bent to conform to the harsh summers here in Texas. This includes some very different but exciting plant combinations including Agaves.
Cindy's cottage garden includes flowers all summer long, even in the worst Texas heat.
Here you see bold zinnias drifting along waves of native white Gaura.
Try counting the flowers as we take our tour. We're already up to a hundred!
Her combinations are timeless. Here she has the boldness of purple coneflowers playing against the dainty violet skullcaps and white blackfoot daisies. A sprinkling of daylillies add to the flavor.
Are you still counting flowers?
Let's take a break from the flowers to see Cindy's river of succulents. They seem to flow down the rock garden.
Agaves, sedums, aloes, and Dykia bromeliads are part of the collection.
I have the first plant, but can't recall the name. Some people call it a Flapjack plant.
Please don't ask me to name all these plants. Just enjoy the view.
Are you remembering to count the flowers in her cottage garden?
Cindy has a unique sense of humor. In fact, she has friends and relatives eager to add to her collection. This is one of my favorites.
Speaking of favorites, I'd have to say this sea of Salvia was at the top of my list.
They seem like little butterflies floating above the garden.
(You can stop counting flowers now. We'll be at a thousand by the end of the tour)
Here's one more photo from the front garden. An angel moves quietly through waves of Rockrose and Sweet Alyssum.
So, are you ready to view the backyard?
Not scared, you say?
Flowers spill over into the beautiful stone and gravel pathways.
This refreshing pond filled with waterlillies and mosaic plant attract birds and dragonflies.
Here's a view of her birdhouse collection and some of her lovely roses.
Like all gardeners, Cindy is never finished trying out new plants. Right now she's experimenting with exotic tropicals like this Colocasia 'Hilo Beauty'. Isn't it gorgeous?
I think she's got the hang of growing tropicals!
This might be Colocasia 'Cranberry Stem' with Cindy having some fun with the camera.
It's just about time to leave, but first I wanted to show you her whimsical wall of wonders.
This little Rudbeckia was a parting gift and has found a new home here at Tropical Texana.

So there you have it. A Texas style cottage garden right here in the Houston area.
You can find out a lot more about Cindy and what she's up to by visiting her wonderful garden blog.
In the meantime, instead of counting sheep tonight, you can be a true gardener and count flowers.
If you reach a thousand, you're at My Corner of Katy.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Cindy certainly has an oasis! Her cottage garden could make anyone want to rush out and start gardening. I enjoyed the tour, David.

  2. my favorite is the river of succulents!!

  3. Thanks for sharing this David, lovely garden and love the bed of succulents!

  4. I too like the river of succulents, and haven't ever seen it on her blog. Thanks for sharing. Carol

  5. What a beautiful garden she has! I think the river of succulents is my favorite. The pond looks very refreshing, too. I can imagine how wonderful it must be to just stand in the garden surrounded by so many flowers. Thanks for the tour!

  6. Sighs in contentment! What a lovely garden she has! And your photos are superb, David! Japan’s summer is sub-tropical except the northern part. Despite scorching heat, we have lots of water in the reservoir thanks to the past rainy season and sometimes we are blessed with sudden evening shower. Plants are okay with heat but not without water. Wish you can maintain the lovely garden without the worry of drought this summer.


  7. wow! Excellent photography and the garden is awesome ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Wow! What a beautiful garden she has! The flowers in her garden are amazingly gorgeous!
    Oh, I'll follow your sweet advice, "close up like small flowers or leaves, then the next post is something big..."
    It's a good idea!!!

  9. David, thank you so much for the beautifully presented tour of my gardens. Like most of the commenters, I am quite taken w/your picture of the river of succulents! I'm so glad you visited when you did ... things are looking a bit ragged 2 weeks later! Of course, that does have something to do with my recent injury but it's also a function of high temperatures and too little rain. Oh, well, I'll consider anything that doesn't make it as an opportunity to buy something new & different to replace it!

  10. I've never seen that very cool river of succulents on Cindy's blog either. She's been holding out on us! It's fun to see her garden through your lens, David.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana