Saturday, June 23, 2012


I keep forgetting my wife is NOT a gardener. My summer job is just minutes away from three of my favorite mom and pop gardening shops, so I'm stopping by each day to see what's new or on sale. After arriving home with all my new flowers, I set up a nice display of the potted plants to surprise her. But instead of saying, "Wow, look at all these fantastic new plants," she just looked puzzled and said,

I felt exactly like the cat that brings its owner a dead baby bird. It must be so puzzling for the cat,expecting to receive praise, to instead be...uh..dealt with. (My wife has a great sense of humor, so she's OK with this post...LOL)
I checked with my closest gardening friend and told her that my wife now thinks that we have too many flowers.
"Too many flowers?"  she said in a disturbed tone.
She thought a minute, then added, "You can never have TOO MANY FLOWERS."

Ahhh...I felt so much better as if a burden had been lifted.
But still I should probably apologize for going overboard  with this cottage garden thing. So, honey, I apologize for bringing home....
these gorgeous new plants for the garden.

I'm especially sorry about bringing home this butterly magnet..the ageratum.
I'll try to swat away all those beautiful butterflies. :0)
Oh, and I'm sorry about the rare Vinca 'JamsNJellies Blackberry' that I was searching for and found this week. I feel just terrible that I bought two. (They were a whopping $1.59 each)Shame on me!

I think I feel bad about this incredibly cute Dahlberg Daisy...

...that blooms in profusion.
And I feel mildly annoyed at myself about this Zinnia angustifolium 'Crystal Orange'. It begged to come along with the others.

And my sincere apologies for dragging home this Bat-faced Cuphea. You see, the honeybees would not leave it alone at the garden shop, so it just seemed the right thing to do. Our honeybees are going to be so happy now!

And the owner gave me this almost dead yucca. He said he was just throwing it away. Homeless plants need a home! Can you forgive me?

But, honey, I have to admit, the Zexmenia hispida was an impulse buy. I do ask your forgiveness even though I know this Texas native is bulletproof, attracts butterflies, and needs no fertilizer.

In fact, I know what every husband should do to make up for a terrible deed...

I should buy you some flowers!!!
Wanna come along?


  1. Aww, that's so sweet David! How could she not accept?

    Is she doing well after her surgery?

    1. Hi Shirley,
      Yes, she has good days and bad,but she IS enjoying the flowers and she's able to do more each day. Thanks to all who have been asking. :0)

  2. Ha-ha! what a cute post!! Love it. Your wife, no doubt, loves all those flowers and lucky her, she's got you for a gardener. Did you notice the squiggly heart on the dead yucca? At least, it shows that way in the photo.

    1. The little heart? Yes, after I got the image downloaded! It was in focus and one of those wonderful accidents. That particular yucca is famous for those split hairs! LOL

  3. BTW, you did great on your choices of flowers. They are beautiful!! Would love to have some in my garden.

  4. I'm sure she doesn't mind all the new plants, just like you're not really sorry. They look great.

  5. LOL! You are so bad. LOL! Now I can understand the theory of never having too many flowers but I can also understand your wife's puzzled expression too. That vinca is such a pretty thing. I would have had to rescue it from a life at the nursery and also the zinnia. That zinnia is beautiful David and I have not saw one like it before. Is your Cottage garden full yet? I know, never will be. LOL!

  6. funny! it's hard to not collect more and more! Actually, the other day, I was at the garden center and a husband was saying to his wife - "go on, get them. Yes, yes, yes. We have PLENTY of room". I laughed out loud b/c it was so cute. I couldn't imagine my husband being that encouraging.

  7. You definitely can not have too many flowers, though with two avid gardeners in the family we really test that sometimes.

  8. Those non-gardening spouses will just never get it, will they? I have one of those, too. He is one of my biggest garden fans just as long as he doesn't have to do the work. Okay by me :-) You sure made some great purchases! I love the curly little "heart" formed by the yucca strand -- Link up with Random Hearts :-)

  9. Yeah, shame on you! I'm very lucky that my husband also has an expensive hobby that involves collecting: comic books. So whenever he startst o give me that "More?" look, I say "we all have our weaknesses" haha

  10. My husband is the non-gardening spouse here, and I would just die if I came home to see a haul like that!!! Seriously, though, it is wonderful that he is willing to be my nursery-hopping companion on occasion. Browsing through nurseries is my favorite pastime.

  11. You can never have enough flowers. Sometimes, however, there isn't enough time to get them planted.

  12. Oh that is just too funny! My husband also likes to give me a hard time about all the plants I buy (though I am almost certain that he secretly enjoys them!)
    Love it!

  13. You've got some mighty nice finds, there. How would you like to have a Manfreda Macho Mocha or two? That big one on the side of the garage produced so many pups I lost count.

  14. It's really bad about the 900# gorilla that puts stuff in my buggie and I just have to buy it to keep him from getting mad. Hubbie didn't believe that story either! I agree with your friend --too many flowers? Maybe you should just do what I do sneak them in and just plant them and then say oh I've had that one for a long time. We just can't help ourselves sometimes! Carol

  15. This post cracks me up! When my husband sees boxes of plants delivered in the spring, he just sighs and walks away. I'm so glad you found your Jams N Jellies. I bought more vinca for my pots this week and thought of you!

  16. Ha! Cute post. And seriously, who can have too many flowers???? I am off to read your raccoon diary now.

  17. The flowers that you dragged home are lovely. That dark purple vincca is really something. I've not seen this colour before. Happy gardening.

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I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana