Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I have to admit, there was a time when all palms looked the same to me no matter the species.
Since that time, I've grown around 20 species and cultivars
and learned that each palm has their own personality
and character. Gardeners know that these subtle differences are also true of roses, daylilies, and just about any other family of plants.
The subtle differences are only noticed by the careful gardener...and this is why we love to garden.
It's like learning a very beautiful language.
My favorites are the diminutive Lady Palm
and the Chinese Fan Palm when grown in clumps.
Over time, I've also learned something else: palms are the queen of backlit photography.
There's nothing more tropically alluring than looking through a palm frond 
and watching the magic displayed on the other side.
Here are some examples from today's garden.
A set of pecan leaves take flight.

Golden rod plants add a vertical foil to the rays of a sabal palm.

Abstract art

A single leaf hung up in the split palm segments.

Sun patterns of one palm frond on another.

This one is called 'This Way and That'.

Threads from a Sabal Palm

As a new frond splits, the tassled ends start to make unusual patterns.
They will eventually pull apart and hang from each segment.

More hairs weave through a palm.

Here's one of the clumps of fan palms in my garden.

With all these light shows playing, who has time to watch TV?
I just sit in a chair by the palms! LOL
I'll end with another plant. Tell me what you see.
Do you see the little heart on this yucca?
A fellow photographer said she noticed it right away. (I had not)
I'm still waiting to find one of these on a palm frond.
Then I can say.... I (heart) palms.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Gardening from David/:0)


  1. What beautiful photos - I just posted a bit about a walk in the Daintree rainforest which is near us, and included a photo of fan palms backlit by the tropical sun. Oh I will be on a lookout for a heart - that is so cool! :)

  2. Your palm photos are very clever. There is always a different way of looking at plants, especially if you spend lots of time in the garden. After I posted yesterday, I checked out your blog and it seems we are having similar bug visitors.

  3. Very nice. Yes I saw the heart right away. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your week! Blessings!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana