Monday, July 8, 2013


This is why gardening is fun:
Because gardens are full of mysteries.

If you find these circles on your rose leaves or other plants, don't be alarmed.

They are made by a very important and helpful native bee called a leafcutter bee.

It's a sign that you have a very natural garden with few pesticides.
The leafcutter bees are excellent pollinators and harmless.

My tropical garden as seen by a leafcutter bee.
I solved the Case of the Mysterious Circles thanks to
Jenny at Rockrose and her garden blog over in Austin, Texas.
Thanks, Jenny.
Now all I have to worry about are crop circles. LOL
For more info on these bees, click below:

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. We have them too! They have taken a liking to one of our persicarias in particular. What they've done looks pretty actually (as long as it's not too much!).

  2. How clever to photograph your garden through the little holes. I learned from Jenny, too. It's always wise to know what caused some phenomenon before we start spraying, spraying for some 'unknown pest.'

  3. Indeed a deep mystery. Either its the work of a prankster or some sharp-toothed insect. If possible, put it under surveillance - a cctv to solve the mystery :)

  4. Really pretty photos. Mysterious to me is that in my area, they only take half-circles. They make such clean cuts, it looks rather pretty.

  5. OK, I'm all caught up on your posts. I hope some of the rain made it to your garden the last couple of days ... we got nothing yesterday and only .08 inch on Sunday. Between heat and drought, I'm having a hard time getting excited about doing any gardening!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana