Sunday, April 21, 2013


I saw this in the garden today and the shadows looked like a beautifully designed fan.

I have never seen these in bloom until today. It was a happy Earth day surprise.
It's a common tradescantia.

And finally, my wife and I drove out to Brenham yesterday to enjoy a picnic under this live oak.
I work as a volunteer for the Texas Forest Service and enjoy finding these large trees
to turn in for the record books.
It was 300 inches in circumference, 62 feet tall, and had an average crown spread of 117 feet.
It is the largest tree I've measured here in this part of the state.
I'd like to think it is one of the top 5 largest coastal live oaks in Texas.
I'll let you know.
Hope you get outside to garden on Earth day.


  1. I love your fan David. Isn't it great what we see in our own gardens.

  2. The first shot is gorgeous! Happy Earth Day to you too!

  3. Happy Earth Day, to you.

    That is a fantastic tree! It's amazing how big they can get.

  4. That certainly is a pretty white bloom and a big old tree. Hope you get to put it in the record books. And Happy Earth day. Yes, I did spend it outside and it is too hot!

  5. What a beautiful and stately tree! And the tradescantia is beautiful. Mother Earth can come up with some pretty amazing things!

  6. That was a huge tree. I love nature for that. That flower is really good looking. Happy earth day.

  7. That is one big tree! I hope it makes a new record.

  8. Coming here after a long time. Happy Earth Day (one day late though). I love oak trees. Aren't they majestic?

  9. I got outside to garden - and visit a sculpture garden down the road. That is an amazing tree! We visited the Big Tree at Goose Island S.P. last spring break and were astonished by its size.

  10. It certainly was nice to notice such a beautiful fan, David! I love it:) And I've never seen that huge tree. Amazing! Recently I like Oak trees because they are often shown on your blog!Thank you for sharing:) Have a good weekend!

  11. That tree is enormous! I love it! Your tradescantia looks a bit different than mine. What a beauty!!

  12. Wow, that is an impressive tree!! Happy (belated) Earth Day to you! We actually did make it to some gardens on that weekend, which is nice since I am slightly gardenless at the moment.

  13. Sometimes I think I create the calendars juts for you :) amazing photos

  14. What a humungous tree. I would certainly like to have a tree house built up there :)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana