Thursday, April 18, 2013


Here's a window into my garden and a little tour of what the garden looks like
right now. 
I've been working on a new greenhouse this past winter. I thought this was a fun view.
The tropical garden with the opposite view of what's seen
from the back windows of the house. (Did that make sense?)
Clay pots on the back swing.
Cannas and bromeliads enjoyed the mild winter.
Another view of the tropical garden. I probably have too many plants, but they JUST KEEP GROWING. I must have good soil.
Lady ferns go well with our native dwarf palmetto.
I keep this one in the greenhouse all winter, but now it's out enjoying the sun.
It's a special tropical fig tree from Africa. I found it thrown away on the side of a neighbor's house, so I took cuttings and now it's enjoying life again.
(You would do the same if you found a cool, almost dead plant....right?)
One of the garden paths in the back.
Do you see what I see? This little opossum walked right up to me last weekend, then 
got spooked and climbed a tree. We have baby opossums every Spring.
Mamma raccoon is back and has some babies hidden somewhere in the area.
She is the most nervous raccoon I've ever met, but mamma raccoon and mamma opossum 
share the garden in peace.
I also found this white winged dove on her nest in the garden.
It's well hidden even from the other wildlife.
I'll end with a few of the flowers blooming right now.
This little beauty if from the zebra tradescantias all over the garden.
The loripetalum is such a wonderful plant. I highly recommend it for Houston.
Here's the foliage.
Here's my newest addition; a copper canyon daisy.
The scent from this plant is quite unusual. I would recommend you smell it a couple 
of times before growing it in your garden. If you like the scent of yarrow, you might actually enjoy copper canyon daisy.
Copper canyon daisy is famous because deer hate it and that's a plus. 
(No, I don't have deer, but some of you do!)
I'll end with these gazanias. I have to say they are the surprise of the year.
These short, ground cover-like plants are beautiful in their own right.
And when you add the flowers, they don't even look real.
But they are and they love Texas heat.

That's it for today.
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Such a lovely tropical garden. Great shots too.

  2. That was a fabulous tour! Your garden is so lush and inviting...must keep you very busy (and happy)...

  3. Thank you for taking us along on a tour of your very lovely garden. It exuberates so much exoticness, nice!

  4. Beautiful pictures. Looks like you are one of those people who actually like racoons and possums. :0)

  5. Thank you, I enjoyed your garden tour.

  6. You have such a tropical paradise. I am still trying to work out the first photo. Is this a masonry block? Gazanias are one of my favorite. I have one that is 5 years old! Have a nice weekend.

  7. The tropical garden is indeed looking lush! I hope you got more rain than I did yesterday ... I'm happy for whatever falls but I always want more!

  8. Oh My Goodness...Who Wouldn't Want To Be In This Garden...It's Gorgeous !!...The Creatures Are To Cute..Great Choice Of Flowers..

  9. Your garden looks great. I wish mine was in such good shape.

  10. Beautiful garden! Texas in spring time is the best. Do you have any grass to mow?

  11. Those gazanias are fabulous! I'll have to check into those! Your garden looks great! There is so much to see there. I have to say, though, I was dismayed at the sight of your possom and raccoon. I have both of those things, and they are such nuisances. I hope you don't have armadillos, too!

  12. Your tropical garden looks like a rain forest. Very nice. I am with Lancashire rose. I can't quite figure out the first photo. Of course, it could be anything considering this is the man that posted about his blooming bottle tree.

  13. I like the view from the window and the gazanias are such striking flowers. The bird, nest and the raccoon add much animal interest to your post.

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I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana