Sunday, December 2, 2012


This shrimp plant is one of the last blooming in our December garden. It's also the plant on my header.
It has a fancy Latin name, but I'm too tired to recall it at the moment.
Happy Macro Monday from Tropical Texana.
P.S. I hear the first Canadian geese flying over our house just now. It's such a haunting, lonely call....especially at night. Does anyone else hear them?
Winter is on the way.


  1. Winter is on the way but you'd never know it. Crazy. I was in Houston last week and you all are having the same fabulous (kidding) weather we are. Where is the chill???? Just a chill is all we need.

  2. Shrimp plants are one of my favorites. We don't hear the Canadian geese here...for us it's the Sandhill cranes. You can't miss them when they're flying over head.

  3. Nice plant. I remember when visiting family in Florida, they had many in their gardens. Also saw a number of them when I visited friends out in the jungle in Guatemala in May. (see posting of December 17, 2011). So many levels of interest in that flower. Thanks for posting it. Jack

  4. Yes, I heard some geese about a week ago. I also enjoy the white pelicans that take a morning fly from their winter home on Lake Houston. Quite a few ducks have been flying over my garden that also winter on the lake. I always look forward to our many feathered visitors each winter.

  5. If you heard geese, then maybe winter really is on the way! Rain would be even better than cooler temperatures, tho. I don't hold out much hope today, even with a 40% chance.

  6. Your shrimp plant is pretty. The last flower? So sad. I haven't heard the geese, but I've been more inside than out lately. Which is sad, too, because we've had great weather to be outdoors!

  7. Hi, David
    I've never seen the shrimp plant like yours. It's very pretty!
    I also haven't heard of the Canadian geese but I'd like see them flying over your house :)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana