Saturday, November 10, 2012


It seems strange to talk about Alsace, France and the Hill Country of Texas in one breath. But it's true; for over a hundred years a small town just west of San Antonio has kept the architecture, traditions and even the Alsatian language alive. Now stir the Alsatian French & German culture in with a heavy blend of Mexican and Texas cultures and you get an exciting set of gardening styles! Here's a taste of gardening in Castroville...the Little Alsace of Texas. Viel Spass, Bon Appetit, and Viva la Jardin!
The people of Castroville love their city.

The Alsatian pioneer spirit is evident at our favorite gardening spot.

This is our favorite garden shop in downtown Castroville.

They have a beautiful butterfly garden.

The paths are marked with these rustic cedar portals.

Here's the name ~ Albros Casa y Garden
(I'll show you my souvenir at the end)

This indoor/outdoor garden store has many surprises.

The French Alsatian architecture meets Texas native plants.

Another part of the garden surrounding the garden store.

I love the rustic look of early Texas pioneers.

A cactus box serves as an alternative to pottery.

The outhouse is filled with birdhouses.

Another view of the gardens.

Here's what I bought. It's not a clay pot, but some type of antique clay holder.
The owner told me it was a sugar mold.

And here's what I used it paintbrushes.

She had a bunch outside, but they were expensive so I could only buy one!

So if you are ever in San Antonio, take the 20 minute drive west down U.S. 90 to Castroville, Texas.
You'll love it!
One of the many gardens in town. It's a great 'walking' town with very little traffic.

Thanks for stopping by! David/:0)


  1. I love unique garden nurseries that have wonderful plant and garden art displays. It's like touring a garden and getting lots of great ideas. Love your clay holder and what a great container for your paint brushes.

  2. It is gorgeous, everything is so rustic and beautiful! I wouldn´t mind living there!. Your clay pot is wonderful too!.
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  3. I'm glad to know about this place. It looks so charming.

  4. Thanks for the virtual tour of this garden centre in Castroville. The whole set-up is a nice blend of cultures. When I travel I will always squeeze in a tour of a garden centre if the opportunity arises.

  5. Oh what at wonderful shop David. I love the rustic details. Just my kind of shop too. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  6. What a quirky looking place! A place shaped by a heritage of mixed cultures. Love the cedar portals!

  7. David, I was the one who sold you the sugar mold while you were at Albros Casa y Garden. I'm not the owner though. A garden friend sent me this edition of your blog, thinking that I might have seen it already. I had not, so was glad to see it. I will forward it to the owner, who will be tickled to have had you write such nice things about the shop, and of Castroville. I hope you will stop in again next time you're in the area. I'm also subscribing to your blog!


  8. What a lovely spot. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Love the sugar mold! I had not heard of Castroville, but the next time I'm in San Antonio, I'll be certain to make the drive there. Thanks for letting us know about this place.

  10. Nice profile David! My friend Patty (comment above) planted the beautiful gardens around the shop. She "neglected" to mention that so I'm adding it for her.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana