Saturday, November 3, 2012


Once a year, I get to take you to my school to visit the annual Storybook Pumpkin patch. These pumpkins were designed by students and their families at home and are displayed in the library during October. Hope you like this year's entries. David/:0)
Can you tell who this is by the round glasses?

A very cute Humpty Dumpty

Sponge Bob pumpkin

Perhaps the strangest entry...a porcupine pumpkin

Scooby Do...where are you?

A mummy pumpkin is no gauze for alarm

Rainbow fish...from a popular children's book

One of my favorites...Big Bird

A very clever Itsy Bitsy Spider coming down the water spout!

An adorable Skippy Jon Jones

The Grinch!

The big red dog of children's you remember his name?

...and a blue dog!

A very artistic black cat with marble eyes

And finally, the most elaborate pumpkin we've ever seen...this incredible rendition of Fancy Nancy at tea time! 
Well, that's it for this year. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, that looks like so much fun!!!!! Thanks for sharing. Oh, BTW, Clifford is the Big Red Dog Pumpkin :-)

  2. That looks fun David! So many cool looking pumpkins there :)

  3. Wow - these are so creative! Loved seeing every one of them. As I was scrolling down, I was thinking "this is my favorite" - with every one! They are all impressive. Thanks for showing us these fun pumpkins!

  4. What fantastic creativity! I absolutely love Fancy Nancy, but the mummy is a close 2nd. Thanks for sharing!

  5. These are beautiful. I like the blue fish and the big red dog. And the mummy and Spongebob. Ok, I like them all!

  6. Wow, you have some creative students! I don't think I could even pick a favorite, as there were so many good ones! I recognized Harry Potter and of course Clifford (having small children give me that advantage!)

  7. The creativity is amazing. I like the caption for the Mummy pumpkin - gauze (sic) for alarm? How creative of the writer too!

  8. I love the Dr. Seuss Sneetch and Grinch. I've featured them on my blog this week and pinned them on Pinterest.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana