Saturday, September 15, 2012


I can't tell you how nice it was to have a normal summer with regular rains and temperatures NOT off the charts. The flowers seem much happier (and alive) at this point than during last year's record drought. A year ago, we were all in survival mode and blooms were the last thing on our minds. Hope you enjoy this month's garden.
I will buy about 10 of these little Zinnia linearis 'Crystal White' next year. They take the heat and bloom by the hundreds!
My favorite view of the garden this month with mixtures of flowers, grasses, agaves, and palms.
The rock rose has bloomed all summer and I love the way it looks on the stone wall.
Another view of rock rose about a month ago with the Rudbeckia in the background.
We had a new butterfly visitor this month from the tropical Rio Grande valley.
It's called an Antillean or Cearunus Blue, Hemiargus ceraunus.
It had its wings open once and of course I didn't have my camera!
It's in the Hairstreak family.
This was my first summer with Spanish lavender and we are now the best of friends!
 I found some seeds from a local castor bean tree and the babies are finally growing. Here it is next to some lime green coleus and the Spanish lavender. The deep green penta leaves add a nice backdrop.
Foliage can be just a nice as flowers!
And finally, the purple lantana has taken an early vacation this month, so we will just have to enjoy the textures and subtle blues of the agaves & prickly pear from here on out.
That's it for this month. But before I go, I want mention two things. First, please visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens for more garden blooming fun. And second, many of the flowers blooming this month were given to me by Cindy at My Corner of Katy. It is so nice to have friends that know the local flowers and enjoy trading plants. Perhaps you have some nice garden neighbors willing to trade. Try it! :0)
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hasn't this weather been great! It was 70 this am and high of 81. I think you all got a little warmer than us but it was/is wonderful!!! Everything looks beautiful!

  2. Everything looking good in your neck of the woods. My plants seem happier too the week or since the temps have been cooler. Have a great weekend. Carol

  3. Thanks for the tour - really enjoyed your take, and that fall lighting feels right. I like what grows that mingles with the agave - cacti - palm - yucca plantings the most...same principle I use in the desert, but what works along the gulf coast.

    The butterfly shots even better!

  4. I think I will follow your lead and try to track down the lovely white zinnia, David. It looks wonderful and could be just the thing when our temperatures start to rise at home around Christmas time.

  5. I love the wide shots with the palm and agaves, beautiful! I'm horribly jealous of your castor bean...

  6. You've shared some lovely garden views this GBBD. Love that stunning white Zinnia.

  7. How nice to have a trading partner! The purple of the castor bean plant and the gray of the lavender contrast so beautifully with the yellow foliage beside them. And your white zinnia is adorable! I bet that little hairstreak thought he had found paradise.

  8. i need some garden blogger neighbors myself. Nice blooms.

  9. Love your zinnias.
    They seemed to be looking very happy in your garden.

  10. You have a lovely garden, a nice blend of flowers and foliage plants. I love that white Zinnia its beautiful.

  11. I love the little Zinnia linearis. Not so easy to find in the nurseries as the breeders seem to keep messing with it. A faithful little bloomer.That lime green coleus paired with the castor bean is a stunner.

  12. I've never been able to get Spanish Lavender to grow. I must try again! You know that any time you want seeds or a division of something here on MCOK, all you need do is ask!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana