Saturday, September 22, 2012


I drive away in the car before dawn. I come back after sunset. Another day for a schoolteacher is done. I hardly remember to look at my garden and when I do it's with a longing to linger and watch the beauty unfold. Weekends are my only time to reconnect and even that is with a hurried pace that I do not enjoy. Here's what I found in the garden today.
The little red pentas

A sunlit strand of Artemesia

Me and my shadow

Lantana cluster

The strange world of Clerodendrum ugandense, the upside down flower

A grass dance

Glistening hairs at sunset

A pretty cascade

And the magic of the last rays of light.

The garden is a good place to be.


  1. Hi David, we have the same plants. I also love to take shots of those hairy parts against the sun, yours is so beautiful. By the way, you are much better of than me as you can garden on weekends. I don't go home to our property every weekend, so i miss them and the butterflies.

  2. Looks like you got the time to enjoy some pretty spectacular details up close and personal today. Good for you !! And thanks for sharing with us :-) I feel like I am reconnecting with my garden after summer when I go on hiatus because it is too blasted hot to be out there. It feels good to be back in amongst 'em :-)

  3. Beautiful photo's, it is hard to get a look into the garden when you have to work, thank goodness for weekends.

  4. What great shots David with the light. I love your Clerodendrum ugandense. I have never saw that one before.My eye always goes straight to the blues. LOL! I wish it was hardy here. I imagine you do miss your garden but you are doing a very important work. Have a great week.

  5. Great shots! So easy to miss all this beauty when we are just so busy livin life. A good reminder to slow down, look around and take a few pictures.

  6. I think that's why moon gardens are so popular - people are so very busy, sometimes all they see of the garden is by the light of the moon. I hope you have a wonderful weekend in your garden.

  7. Lovely photos David! I'm enjoying reconnecting with my garden after the winter here :)

  8. beautiful photos - sometimes over the weekend I just love to sit on the swing and enjoy the garden.....

  9. It is a good place to be. It looks as though you reconnect much as I do. The light always captures my imagination and draws me in. The details that are more pronounced in the light always promise nice photos.

  10. Thanks for the topical post. I think I've been ready to disconnect with my garden for most of September. Thanks for reminding me there is still gardening to enjoy.

  11. Lovely photos! Certainly can relate to that feeling, especially during winter when it's dark when we go to work and dark already when we get back.

  12. What beautiful photos!
    Although you don't have enough time to be in your garden, every your plant is shining due to your tender care:)
    Have a wonderful week ahead!

  13. You have captured that late afternoon light just perfectly, as well as some gorgeous blooms. It does get hard to find the time to enjoy the garden. I'm lucky I have my fish in the front, and I usually have time for a quick squizz when I duck out to feed them early in the morning before I head for work.

  14. Indeed it is a good place to be even if one's time is limited. I'm waiting for a bit less humidity to get back outside and reconnect with mine.

  15. I've been taking a break from the heat and humidity for a few days ... they have sapped my gardening mojo! It's enabled me to do some much needed purging of drawers, cabinets & closets, at least.

  16. I like the phpto o f the fly and its shadow and glistening hairs. Your photo of Clerodendrum ugandense reminds me that I have to source for this plant from the nurseries.

  17. Reconnect is not just for weekend gardeners. My job is in the garden, or at least the farm part of our home. Sometimes I have to just stop looking at the farm and try looking at the garden. Love your photos!

  18. Pretty pictures! That would be hard to have such a limited time in the garden. In the past my time has been usually limited to the afternoon, which does not work during summer. Now the weather is cooler, and I have a few mornings I can go outside. It has been so great to go outside and reconnect. My poor neglected plants need some love! (Though now the house is very neglected!)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana