Saturday, May 19, 2012


As a teacher, I plan those very first moments of summer with care. This will be the first gardening book on my list and I shall read it cover to cover.
The chicken on the front cover was the first hint that this book was a different kind of gardening book.

(some excellent drought tolerant plants for the front garden)
He doesn't tell you what to buy, but he'll guide you on the philosophy of buying for your area.

(the front wall in our cottage garden)
He won't tell you how to build a wall, or what materials to use, or even tell you cool how-to tricks.
But he will tell you why you need to use certain things instead of other things.

(our chickens)
And about that chicken...the last section won't tell you what breed to buy or how to construct a nice chicken run. He won't even tell you what crops or herbs to plant.

(part of the tropical garden with a birdbath)
So, what will he tell you?
Stephen Orr will tell you how to THINK about your garden. He fills page after page with luscious photographs of gardens all across the country. Alongside the photos, he tells of his interviews with these successful gardeners and their sustainable and dramatically beautiful gardens.
Sustainable is key here. The question is how do you garden without killing yourself physically and ruining the environment?

(native American Holly trees in our garden..we have three of them)
He could have easily entitled it 'The Philosophy of Natural, Sustainable Gardening for Future Gardeners with Illustrations to Show You that it is Actually Possible'.
Published by Rodale Press in 2011.
Here's the link to see what's inside. Please go take a look and have fun visiting the future of gardening. It's a nice place.
And while you're at it, visit some other great links to garden books. It's all the brainchild of our wonderful host, Holley. You can find the colorful button and link up at the top of my blog. Thanks, Holley!
And thanks for stopping by.
One thing I learned from this book (it's next to my thumb):
 Most plants have two labels. Besides the fancy one, be sure and look at the other label to see if the plant was grown locally/regionally. This has several benefits including easy adaptability to your garden's climate, local knowledge from savvy growers that know what will grow in your region, smaller carbon footprint due to shorter shipping distances, and support of your local or regional economy.
All that in just one nondescript label!


  1. It looks like this book is a good philosophy on gardening while very "entertaining" on the eye with those beautiful pictures.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sound great! I am going to get this!

  3. Wow - a book that gets you to think instead of just follow! Sounds wonderful! Especially since you explained it's also about "without killing yourself physically" and "illustrations to show you that it is actually possible". :) "Tomorrow's Garden" sounds like a book that will stay with you for years after you have read it, and it also sounds like a book I need to read! Thanks so much for joining in! As for the little tag - yes, I look for those all the time. It's interesting to me to see which plant farms sell at our local garden centers.

  4. The book sounds like it offers some important lessons. I know I am sometimes guilty of living in "zone denial." Great book review and nice looking chickens!

  5. Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out once I'm back home.

  6. Isn't this great??!!!! Summer break is just around the corner.....!!!!!! I CANNOT wait!!! Planning is the understatement.....I may have overplanned. I can't wait to be done with teenagers for 2 months. Gardening, travel....with a quiet cup of coffee in the morning. Looks like you have some fun ahead:)

  7. Oh! I never looked for the little tag or looked closely at it if I saw it. I definitely need to look. I have often been aggravated by my suspicions that even the smallest local garden centers are mostly foisting plants grown far away, but have never had the guts to ask about it. Now I can shop knowledgeably. Thanks!

  8. Sounds like another excellent book pick! I'm very interested in the whole "not killing yourself physically" part since I've developed rotator cuff tendinitis from so much landscaping, hauling mulch/compost/pots, etc. Actually, I think I just need a lackey to boss around and do my bidding. Is there a book on that? :o)

  9. One more - I didn't plan for my deutzia, lamium, and sweetspire to all bloom at the same time. I just hoped they would since they bloom in late spring. It's a gift from the garden angels. :o)

  10. David, thanks for pointing the way to this book--I love "big picture" books that really make you think about your approach to gardening and how your garden fits into the larger scheme of things. Enjoy those well-earned first moments (and all the other ones) of summer!

  11. Hi David :) You are one of my favorite bloggers, so I want to nominate you for the Illuminating Blogger Award for illuminating, informative blog content.
    Here are the deatails:

    Awards like this one are a nice way to cross link the blogs and meet other bloggers :)

  12. I shall look for this book. Thanks for the review. This is my way of gardening!

  13. Is it just me or there a lot of great garden books available at the moment. This sounds like a great book. I appreciate the original perspective the author takes. I must confess I have not paid much attention to where the plants I buy are grown. I think that I will start to look at that second less fancy tag in the future.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana