Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Freeze in I'd like to stop the weather in Texas and leave it this way all summer. Highs of 82 and lows of 62 each day. I'd love to also freeze frame my garden right now. Wait a minute...that's called photography and I can certainly do that. So, here we go. Happy Foliage Follow-up. And to see all the foliage fanatics, stop and visit Pam at  Digging over in Austin, Texas.
Some very creative art work from our school's 5th graders would look nice in any garden.
Wish I could make this!
We have a great art teacher.

The back yard. I LOVE tropical plants and especially FOLIAGE.

Knock, knock? Who's there?
Looks like a green anole.

Drought? What drought? You should have seen this poor backyard one year ago.

A leaf on a leaf on a leaf. I promise, I found it this way.
I'll probably never find another in my lifetime.

A view from the arm chair.

Some fuzzy bees have a meeting on the native goldenrod.
They like foliage follow-up a lot more than 'just grow a lawn' follow-up.

There are lots of different textures in the front garden.
Rosemary looks great with agaves.

The artemesia needs a haircut next to this stylish dwarf yaupon.

Agaves, purple ajuga, palm grass, purplish loropetalum, monkey grass, carpet grass, a palm frond, a chi-chi Ruellia, and.... a partridge in a pear tree (just just seemed to fit).

The back pathway.

This is my favorite foliage leaf. There are 600 species of Dioscorea in the air potato family.
Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of this one.
It lived through the drought and the freezes, so it's a keeper.

I'll leave you with some more charming butterflies and tropical art.

Thanks for fluttering by!
Watch out for the snake!


  1. Don't mean to sound like the class smartie pants but I think it's Dioscorea dicolor...but then I could be wrong too.

    1. Hey, that's what friends are for! Thanks!!!
      Dioscorea discolor is what Huntington Botanical Garden in New York says as well.
      I'm goin' with it.

  2. Yes, what a difference some rain makes. So glad to see your tropical garden is back with a vengeance. That Dioscorea leaf is amazing, and I love the silhouetted anole on the other leaf. Great shots, and thanks for the link love too!

  3. Wonderful!
    Love the 'just grow a lawn' joke!
    Happy Foliage Day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  4. Wonderful Photography David! I especially like the Anole shot. TOO COOL! Another favorite of mine is all the tropical plants in your backyard. NICELY DONE!

  5. WOW! I cannot tell there was a drought in your area last year! Your garden looks wonderful!! Love the art, too.

  6. That shadow shot is great. And your garden is sooooo lush!!!! Amazing how the plants can snap back after such a horrible year last year. Yes, I wish we could stop the temperatures from going even higher. But then we might not love September and October as much!

  7. Lovely exotic foliage Dave. I can feel the warmth. I just know you're going to be jealous when I tell over here it's highs of about 8C and lows of about 3C....


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana