Saturday, May 5, 2012


It's always nice to meet other garden bloggers and it was a special treat to see Lucy's garden in Northwest Houston.
You know I love chickens and chicken art, so it was amazing to see what Lucy does with mosaic tiles. She made this piece for her garden fence.

Here's Lucy and Ian in front of their above ground pond. They are serious do-it-yourselfers. I enjoyed Ian's story of how he and his brother got it up the driveway and into the backyard!
Their beautiful scarlet red goldfish would not pose for me, so you'll just have to use your imagination.

If you were a butterfly drifting past endless grass-only lawns and then suddenly saw their garden, you'd  think you had died and gone to Heaven.

Cosmos abound! I'm sure their garden is on every butterfly radar in Houston.

Look! A bottle tree! Those of us with bottle trees in our garden like to see other bottle trees.
It sends a special message...
...the message?
So we're NOT CRAZY after all! 
 Thanks, Lucy.

There was garden whimsy everywhere! I almost missed this one. Isn't it cool?

Ian made this wonderful potting shed for Lucy on the side of the garage. Doesn't this look like a fun place to hang out, especially during a summer rain shower?

This reminded me of some of the French gardens I've seen in magazines. She's a master at color combinations.

A riot of colors made my head spin with possibilities for my own garden. Cottage gardening in Texas is not the easiest thing to attempt, but Lucy & Ian have it mastered.

They had a number of ponds bursting with life. The water lilies were just starting their summer season.

It was fun trading plants. Here are some new ones for Tropical Texana thanks to Lucy.

After a wonderful meal and a beautiful garden tour, there was one last surprise awaiting us.
Jackie of Southern Post Journal and Cindy of From My Corner of Katy arrived in Cindy's new FLOWER POWER truck. Here's the interior!
Who votes that she should paint the rest of the truck to match?
I do!

Thanks, Lucy & Ian for a flower-filled fun day.



  1. Someone told me once I look like Jerry GArcia. I'd fit right in with that truck interior.

  2. Lucy's garden is looking just lovely. You must have had a wonderful visit.

  3. Looks like a great visit! Lucy's garden is lovely and those flowers look so nice this time of year.

    It's always fun to see a garden through a different camera lens.

    The truck is fun too.

  4. Really enjoyed that garden visit. All I want now is a flower power truck.

  5. What a pretty garden and those oranges really stand out! I especially like the chicken mosaic x

  6. Wow! Lucy and Ian are so talented and creative. Everything looks so amazing, especially the mosaic chicken and the car :) It must feel like Heaven in their garden!
    Thanks for sharing. And here's a vote from me too :)


  7. Lucy and Ian have a beautiful garden. Both of them are true artists. I am thinking they rolled that tank up into place but maybe there wasn't enough room and they had to winch it over the house. We just rolled one down to the back of our garden where it is waiting to be installed. What a riot(of color) Cindy's truck. Next time she comes up to Austin she had better be driving it.

  8. A truly lovely garden. I wish more people would plant flowers instead of grass in their front yards

  9. Wow David! What a fantastic garden they have. Such a colorful cottage style garden. Now that is the way to make your vehicle your own. How Cool! Does saying 'cool' show ones age? LOL!

  10. David, I’m so glad you were able to visit my garden. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you. I must thank you again for all the wonderful plants. I carefully potted each one up and none of them even wilted. I’m looking forward to the next time we can all get together. I have to confess, although I have several items in my garden that I created with mosaics, sadly the chicken is not one of them. Thank you again for a wonderful afternoon!

  11. Looks like you had a great time.
    I agree with Shirley....Always good to see a garden we're used to 'visiting', from another garden blogger's view.

  12. This really is a garden filled with flowers. Thanks for the tour of this garden. The truck is a hoot.

  13. So fun!!!! I really wish I had been there. I rarely meet gardeners. If I didn't have a blog I would end up just wandering my garden mumbling to myself. Wait... I already do that!

  14. "The suddenly saw their garden, you'd think you had died and gone to Heaven."
    I know what you mean... had died many times this way..
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. What a gorgeous garden! Love how wild and well, cottagey it looks. I always wonder why people where I live (Singapore) don't attempt a cottage garden, cuz from this wonderful example, it's obvious it can be adapted and done using tropical plants. Almost all the plants in these pics can grow in Singapore..


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana