Saturday, May 12, 2012


Today is Mother's Day here in the United States. So, to honor all of our wonderful mothers, I've made a little collection to make you smile.
The baby cottontail bunnies at the Houston Zoo wish you a Happy Mother's Day.
(We went today)

Our one week old baby kittens wish you a Happy Mother's Day.

This is the whole litter...two gray and two white. Mother is so proud!

The baby chicks at our school wish you a Happy Mother's Day.
(No, I'm NOT taking them home to add to my four. Four hens are enough.)

Our three baby raccoons wish you a Happy Mother's Day.

Uh...just exactly how close do you need to get to the camera?

The baby field mouse in my chicken coop wishes you a Happy Mother's Day.
The baby fig tree wishes you a Happy Mother's Day.
(Shhh...this is what my wife is getting for her gift tomorrow. She's begged for a fig tree for years, so my children chipped in a we bought her one.)

And finally, all the baby Meerkat stuffed animals from the zoo wish you a Happy Mother's Day.

We think the world of you!
(art work from second graders at my school)
Hope you have a great Mother's Day.



  1. What sweet, adorable little babies! I hope your wife has a great Mother's day, too. The fig tree is a fabulous gift!

  2. A really wonderful post David! Super Cute Photos! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing the pictures. The animals are so cute.

  4. Thanks so much. Wow you have alot of babies at your place! Could it be in the water? Have a great week. Carol

  5. Love this humorous post (even though I'm not a mother!) Hope your wife liked the baby fig tree! :)

  6. You've got such a cute and divers fauna! I envy you :)



I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana