Sunday, February 12, 2012


I've wondered if my little garden blog would ever make it to a secret goal I've had. I don't know why, but from the start I figured 50,000 pageviews would be an accomplishment worth noting. It happened this week and for this next couple of seconds I'm going to take a break from garden blogging.......there. That was nice.
Ahh...nothing like a nice break to refresh the senses.
Now back to work!
Thanks for stopping by and I mean it. I've made so many garden blog friends and have enjoyed trading visits to gardens all over the world. That's the most important thing about all of this; to have friends and to be a friend. I'm delighted by all of my visitors and hope you enjoy this little garden we call Tropical Texana along with its lively hodgepodge of characters...
the plants,
 the people,
 the stories,
 the critters,
the chickens,
and the drama
.....and the work!
The Plants (Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Purple') my newest plant. Click on the name for the Missouri Botanic Gardens plant information

The People (my son with a stray cat found along the street....we found the owner)

The stories....(another cover up?)

The critters...(these are little dragonfly nymphs I found when moving the pond)
A face only a mother could love.

The chickens....(wonderful art work by Daniel, one of my 2nd grade students)

and the drama....(Azalea buds already? Will they bloom or get wiped out by a freeze?)

...and finally the work.
Now it's back to work with a new pond for those dragonflies.
David/  :0)


  1. Congratulations David! That is an awesome milestone. My goals are a bit more modest and may need to revise them.

    Keep up to good work!

    1. Thanks, Shirley. I would think your wonderful San Antonio garden blog would reach all of its goals and then some extras! Thanks for the kind words.
      David/ :0)

  2. You have many joys in your life, David, and you must be such a wonderful person with a wonderful son to boot. Taking in a stray and taking the time to locate the owner is tops in my book. Tell your student that I really liked his chicken. A budding artist!!!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind comments. The kitten was so cute, but it needed to go back home.
      I'll tell Daniel about his 'famous' chicken.
      :0) David

  3. Ah David, I think you are wrong in calling Tropical Texacana a "little" blog. There is so much good info here and a visual feast of gardening photos that are quite inspirational for a novice gardener like myself. Its a Great Blog or a Fabulous Blog or ... many things, but "little" is not a word I'd use to describe it!

  4. A nice recap, glad to have discovered your blog. Looking forward to your updates!

    1. Thanks. And I look forward to visiting your English tropical garden as well. :0)

  5. Congratulations, David! I'm so happy to have found your blog(s)!

    1. And I as well. I love Mi Chiamo Candice waaay up there in New Hampshire.
      You have a terrific blog, my friend.

  6. You have a terrific following of gardeners that enjoy your photos and writing. I know - because I'm one of them...

    1. Thanks, Don.
      And I must say I was thrilled to find a Gavleston garden blog. I'm so glad the beautiful island of Galveston has a representative in the garden world.
      I've enjoyed getting to know you and your plants through your wonderful blog.
      Here's to a non-drought summer.

  7. Congratulations, David! More power to your blog. You'll need it given your inclination to take a "break" from blogging. *JK*

    1. Thanks, Bom! I always enjoy traveling over to a wonderful garden blog like yours. You're one of the inspirations for my own.

  8. What a coincidence. I've got a Buddleia davidii too, but mine is Nanho Blue. The label said it was a dwarf variety, but my plant didn't read the label.

    1. Amazing! I just found out about these dwarf varieties as well. Mine is also said to be dwarf. I just hope to keep the thing alive.

  9. A 'cover-post' yeah! ;-) and what is your new goal in page views?
    Happy Blogging,

    1. Thanks! Yes, a cover post just for you. You are clever to catch that.
      My new goal is to relax a little more and let the pageviews flow by. LOL
      It's fun getting to know you on Blotanical.
      David/ :0)

  10. Congratulations! It's great when we meet those goals.

    You have a beautiful blog, with lots of good information...and entertainment.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, Linda!
      And I love visiting your blog as well in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas.
      I hope we have a cooler summer this year.

  11. Kudos to you David! And very well deserved. I too am in love with that chicken. Many years ago I also taught second grade... aren't they the best!?

    1. You did?! That's wonderful. Yes, 2nd graders are a super age to teach. I'll tell Daniel he has a fan.
      I'm looking forward to getting to know you better during this next year.

  12. Yes, I really like your blog - the design and especially the writing. I hope you will keep it up.

    On a different note, your that student has wonderful artistic ability. I hope s/he will one day become an artist.

    1. Thanks, KL! And I have enjoyed your blogs as well. You are a great photographer and a wonderful writer. I look forward to getting to know you better during this next year.
      I'll tell Daniel that his drawing is famous.

  13. Congratulations! And now you'll have to come up with a bigger goal! :) Your blog is entertaining and informative, and I think that's what people are looking for. And - I can't wait to see your new pond! How exciting!

    1. Thanks, Holley! I can't wait to see my new pond as well. It's so small, but I guess it's better than nothing.
      New goal? I'll have to think about that one.

  14. Your blog is a delight to read. I always come away with a smile.
    Congratulations on 50,000 page views!
    I do love dragonfly nymphs.....
    Hope the Azaleas make it to bloom. I saw on the news Texas
    did get some cold temperatures. It is a big state!
    Your photograph of Buddleia davidii is gorgeous...nice addition to your garden.

    1. Thanks, Sherry!
      And I love your blog,Q's Corner, for the same reason..I always come away with a smile. Your butterfly photos are tops in the world! I mean it!

  15. Hooray!! I love your blog and am very glad I found it! :o) I love butterfly bush and am adding a dwarf one to a container this summer. Awesome chicken!!

    1. Thanks! I love your blog, too. The names of your flower beds alone just begs a person to read more. Didn't you name one THE BED OF DEATH AND MISERY?
      You'll love Buddleia. I think it is more for your zone than mine. I'll watch it during the heat of the summer.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana