Thursday, February 9, 2012


My friend at My Corner of Katy grows these tantalizing creatures. But I have to settle for taking photos at the local garden center. I find poppy flowers and buds uniquely photogenic. Happy Weekend, ya'll! We are one week closer to Spring.

Thanks for stopping by! David/ :0)


  1. A beautiful zing of colour, David. I sometimes take photos at Garden centres but feel I have to do it when no-one is looking. Silly isn't it?

  2. I'm a big poppy fan too. I love all their phases; from the buds to blooms to seed heads. Also there are always a few surprises every year. Last year some doubles showed up.

  3. Beautiful photos! I can't wait for spring either. Next week is vacation so I can clean up and mulch!

  4. Gorgeous photos. I love poppies too. Like your remark about being one week nearer to spring. Very uplifting.

  5. Oh, that second picture is great! So detailed on all the little 'hairs', the way the sun hits it. I want to grow poppies - I'm going to give it a try this year!

  6. I love poppies! Those photos are gorgeous, David. I'm not sure which is my favorite. The first photo drew me in. Love the colors! Have a wonderful weekend, Candace

  7. Dear David, I don't know why I don't grow poppies. Seeing your pics. I think I'll put them on my list. Pamela

  8. Pretty! I've been trying to grow poppies for a while, but I think I'm pulling the seedlings or scattering seed at the wrong time of year.

  9. Great photos!
    If this is just practice, what does the real thing look like! Can they really get any more beautiful?

    One week closer to Spring? True, but it does not feel like it this morning. We have had a mild Winter, but today's early morning temps in north Mississippi were just below 30F with snow flurries. The forecast high today is 36F! The next few nights are forecast to be in the low 20s!
    Just makes Spring more welcome when it does get here!
    Lea's Menagerie

  10. That hairy shot is inspirational!

    These look like Iceland poppies... Not a plant that's going to be successful in a Texas garden... Why do retailers insist on carrying junk that won't grow in our areas?

    Someone needs to sit down for a little one on one time with them and gently explain how carrying unsuitable plants is going to back-fire on them by convincing n00b gardeners that they have a "black thumb of death" and teach them to avoid the gardening section... Not helpful...

    Maybe I should just keep these great rant ideas to myself... Could make a decent blog post...

    1. No, don't keep it to yourself because you are correct. I've actually talked to the manager of a local garden shop about this and the answer was very strange.
      I asked why they suddenly recieved 20 different weird plants in the middle of the summer...plants that were already burning in our heat. He said the growers had overstock they had sold at cut prices, so the distributers bought it and sent it out to retailers without the MANAGERS even knowing the trucks were arriving!
      I actually got some very exotic and nice palms for 5 dollars each from the sad graveyard.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana