Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why I Garden: Reason #2: A Garden is Filled With Hope ~ Happy Macro Monday

My friend gave me a Kalanchoe baby this week. This little tyke is bursting with hope that the roots will touch soil. (They did)

Here's the macro of the unique silver gray 'skin' .

My wife has been discourged this week with some unsettling medical news.  She said for me to pray and look for signs of hope. So I made this little pond for her (plus I needed to look at some water during this seemingly endless drought). As I was arranging the rocks, I found this...

I had gathered these rocks from all over the yard and had picked up a plain white one (look back in the previous's the one directly below the white triangular stone ).
As I arranged the stones, you can imagine how startled I was to find a message under this rock! God works in mysterious ways. I told my wife I had found some hope while working in the garden.
Hope you find some hopeful signs in your garden this week. New flowers, new baby plants, new butterflies, and maybe the hope of precious rainfall here in the South.

Earlier Post on March 1, 2011... Why I Garden: Reason #1~ A Garden will Always Surprise You


  1. What a moving post, David! I am encouraged by it. I pray that your wife finds peace that passes all understanding and for the next report that she gets to be a good one. Awesome photos, as always. Your kalanchoe baby is just too cute. Have a beautiful week! I'm going to be praying for y'all. Blessings, Candace

  2. Hi David! Thanks for stopping over to see me and commenting! You absolutely can use that cartoon. I got it in email and thought it was so funny but sadly true. It has cooled off some up here and we are very grateful for that. I pray you get some much needed rain and cooler temps, as well. My mom has told me how dry and hot it has been down there. Too bad the lack of rain doesn't take some of the humidity away. I find that dry heat is more comfortable for me than the incessant humidity. Take care and have a great week! I will be looking forward to hearing about your wife's good report!

  3. I will now look for hope under stones and send your wife all good wishes.

  4. You're hope rock was surely a sign. Sending good vibes to your wife.

  5. Sorry to hear about this news, David. I'm wishing you both the best as you deal with this bump in the road together. I think there's definitely cause to say you've received a sign that there is hope no matter what.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana