Monday, July 25, 2011


After a year of searching, my wife has taken a job. She comes home tired and needs some happiness. So I decided to make these living bouquets that greet her at the front door. I cut down to size a plastic pot to fit inside the clay pots. Otherwise, all the moisture would vanish by midday.
Visit my friend Noelle, for other Garden Bouquets and send some her way to post in August. She's at
Mussaenda luteola

                                            Serena purple Angelonia
                                     Evolvulus nuttallianus ~ Blue Daze
Here are the tags if you want to track down the plants. I use the silver gray foliage of Berggarten Sage with blues and purples.

It was so much fun I went ahead and made three! Each pot has 4 plants.

It's hard to capture an image of plants in a circular container. One is always left out. This view shows how nicely the sage curves over the edge of the pottery. Aren't they beautiful leaves? Plus, they're a herb! These should bloom until frost.
Thanks for stopping by.
David/ :-)


  1. Very beautiful, those pale leaves - and how lovely for your wife!

  2. Hi David,

    They are just lovely! I tend to prefer cool colors in the garden and in bouquets. Thank you so much for always creating beautiful bouquets :-)


  3. Thanks so much for the visit to my blog, and for the listing. Love your living bouquets. They look adorable lined up! I know that must have brought a smile to your wife's face. (Congrats on the job, too!) I love the Blue Daze. I was looking at it today, actually, but was talked out of it as it's an annual here. Still, I think it's stunning.

  4. What a kind husband you are. I love the little pots and they look perfect on the patio stones.

  5. Now how sweet is THAT? I think you did a great job with the combos too! They look pretty!

  6. Beautiful pics and interesting plants to try out. But did you say frost? Shhhhh....not so loud:)

  7. Hi David,
    first of all I would like to send my congratulations to your wife for finding a job.
    It was so nice of you to create these beautiful living bouquets and I bet your wife was really surprised when she came home finding them at your front door. I would have liked to see that big smile.

  8. Your living bouquets are simply delightful. You did a great job.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana