Sunday, May 22, 2011


We read, "Keep a portion of your garden wild for this attracts wildlife. "
These are just words, until you actually do it. And when you do, your little bit of wilderness will be filled with surprises.
So what does that actually look like? Here's an example.

Do you see the tiny insect?  This is wild morning glory vine along my back fence. To many gardeners, it can be quite a nuisance. It can scamper up a tree in weeks and choke out a favorite bush. But.....It also harbors lots of insects for my garden wrens to eat. They have a nest of babies on our back porch and this is keeping both mom and dad wren VERY busy these days. They need the bugs!

A closer look at wild morning glory vine.
Visit our morning glorious host, Lisa, at for more.
It's been 3 years of hard work, but the wrens are happy to nest in our backyard.

The wild morning glory vines. Do you see the green lizard on the fence? It's mealtime.

Let's see...5 leafhoppers per leaf times 100 leaves...that's 500 leafhoppers for someone to eat.

Surprisingly, the leafhoppers stay on the wild morning glory and seldom bother my other garden plants.
Hope you'll consider some wild plants. If you don't know what to do, start with butterfly weeds (milkweed).
You'll have Monarchs in no time if you live in North America.
Thanks for visiting. David/ :-)

Quote from Thoreau found at Hermann Hospital / Houston, Texas


  1. Wrens and Morning Glory _ two things I would love to have, but no effort has been rewarded.
    And you have the Ipomea growing wild.
    Not fair :-)

    Mind you, I don't want the leafhoppers.

  2. My entire backyard is wild, much to the chagrin of my neighbours‘. I love morning glories, but had to rip them all out, the seeds are poisonous to dogs. Great shots!

  3. Gorgeous captures of the morning glories!

  4. Love the shade of purples and blues on the morning glory....that 2nd shot is my favorite. Really nice.

  5. Beautiful Macros! You are very right, keeping things wild will attracts a lot of wildlife and insects to a garden.
    I do not really have an area growing wild in my garden but I'm living in an area with lots of trees and bushes around. Wrens, Cardinals, Blue Jays are just some of the birds visiting my garden. Squirrels, froggies, lizards and once in a while a harmless snake can be found as well. My butterfly bushes attracts several different butterflies. But what I'm the most proud about, is having a pair of Eastern Screech Owls raising their young ones in one of my nesting boxes.
    Paula Jo

  6. I can't imagine a garden without lots of terrific wildlife ... birds, insects and butterflies. The two just go together.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana