Monday, May 16, 2011


Pam at DIGGING (over on my sidebar favorites) gives us foliage follow-up the 16th of each month. Yes, I've watered to keep things alive all these months. But for the last couple of years, I've skipped by these front beds on my daily watering rounds. They get water once a week until summer hits. In summer they get two waterings a week.
Windmill palms and  cycads along with newly planted Plumerias. The bricks hold them upright while roots form.

Agave beds take dry conditions with no fuss. These can all grow in the Houston area as long as they are in well-drained soil during the winter months.

                                          Agave geminiflora is recovering well from a 24 degree freeze.
                                      A new agave with banding like Agave zebrina (but it's probably not)
Artemesia "Powis Castle"

Yucca gloriosa with blue-green and cream variegation. This Yucca endures both heavy rains and drought as long it is on well-drained soil.
Thanks for visiting. David/ :-)


  1. Yep, those are some great foliage plants for your brave new (arid) gardening world, David. The cycads and palms even give that tropical look you love.

    Still, I hope you get some good rain soon. I know you must be tired of watering.

  2. Your Yucca gloriosa is looking real good - love its color.

  3. I love your garden. There are times I wish Tucson had just a bit more rain:) but that would change everything....still, I love that you can grow some of my favorite plants! without having to watch them 24/7:)

  4. Nice collection of drought resistant plants, that’s the way to go these days, the lack of rain is getting worst everywhere.

  5. I love the combination of Blackfoot Daisy & Agaves. I'm going to steal that idea, my friend!

    I wasn't able to get to the grower last week due to various issues with my mom. It looks like the plants are back to regular pricing. If they go that low again, I'll make a point of getting there.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana