Friday, February 4, 2011

TIME TO POST THIS CARTOON~ We must maintain our humor in all this!

These past two winters have been quite harsh instead of mild. I found this comic to go along with the winter weather...
Updated February 2012.....All I can say so far since I've had this garden blog is that we've had such bizarre weather. The last two winters have had the coldest temperatures in eleven years, but this current winter hasn't had a single frost!
On the flip side, the past two summers were hotter than any I can remember since 1980. 2011 was also the third driest year in Houston history and broke 8 monthly records for either driest or hottest. Can global warming do all three; colder winters, hotter summers, & drier years? If so, we are indeed in trouble.
My thanks to Cox and Forkum for allowing Bloggers free use of their comics without breaking worrisome copyright laws. :0) David/ Tropical Texana


  1. I feel so lucky up here in the PNW...the worst thing we've had to complain about this winter is the early out-of-nowhere frost that killed a many things that weren't yet dormant. Since then it's been smooth sailing (fingers crossed since it's only Feb 4th)...I hope your garden fares better than you expect.

  2. LOL. Great cartoon and so appropos! Hope things warm up for you guys over in Texas.

  3. Hej David
    Jeg blev glad for din hilsen. Det var rigtig fint med oversættelsen. Det er sjovt, at vi er så ens i holdninger og tænkemåde - måske skyldes det dine danske aner.
    kh. Jørn

  4. Hej David
    Det var fint med oversættelsen. Ja, det er sjovt, så ens vore holdninger og tænkemåde er. Måske skyldes det dine danske aner.
    vh. Jørn


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana