Saturday, February 5, 2011


Outside the temperature is a very untropical 28 with ice covering all the plants. It's been down to 21 this week which means.....take a deep breath....we start all over again from scratch. I'll get to watch all the palm fronds turn brown, all the gingers transform to brittle tan canes, and watch the banana trees turn to mush.

So what's the new milestone?  Well, this little garden blog got its 10,000th page view this morning. So, to celebrate I'll try to find a very tropical pictures to post. Thanks for all who have come to visit from all over Texas, the US, and the world. It means a lot to me to see others enjoy the pictures and the dialogue.

Now it's time to go take some ice photos before it all melts away into memory. David/ :0)
The back garden in summer 2006

Hedychium coccineum (Butterfly Ginger)

Front garden with bromeliads

One of my Peacock Ginger hybrids ( I developed a number of  hybrids in the past)

Shady garden in 2006.


  1. So it happened for you as well....bummer. I locked as many of the tropicals in pots up as I could. Those have been saved. Today it's the unveiling of the citrus as it is our last night of frost. It won't be easy:) Warm up over there and think of some good new tropicals you want in your garden:) Congrats on your blog! Chris

  2. That is a cool peacock ginger you hybridized! your tropical gardens looks so lush. What a shame that you are having such temperatures! Hopefully, you will have some survivors among the tropicals. Some plants are tougher than we think, especially when they've been in-ground a long time.

    Happy 10,000th page hit!

  3. Sorry to hear you got ice, David. We had the 3rd worse blizzard in history here and the Arctic cold is on the way.

    Congrats on the 10,000 visitor milestone - I know I helped rack up that number :-)

  4. So much green! So pretty! We saw the butterfly ginger in Trinidad and Tobago last year and I fell in love with it (took me forever to figure out what it was though). Hope the weather improves!

  5. I really like your peacock ginger. I have one. A friend gave me some torch ginger and a root of a peacock ginger came along with it. When it came up I did not know what it was. I had never seen one. It looks like the leaf on yours is much thicker.
    Enjoyed all your pics.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana