Thursday, September 30, 2010


I was going to try a 3 for Thursday, but this post contains 4 pictures of one of my favorite new plants.
There are 2 kinds of people on Earth; those who LOVE variegated plants and those who don't.
I seem to be drawn to them like a magnet. I found this one at Another Place in Time on 11th Street and it just about knocked me over when I saw it. I have a lot of self-control since my garden is already FULL of plants. But the more I stared, the more I thought....WOW!

It feels more like I'm taking a picture of some type of Zebra...a feeling akin to being on some safari..than it does to feeling like I'm standing by JUST a plant.  It also goes by the name Indian Coral Tree and Sunshine Tree.

I'm told it's handled just like Plumeria during the winter...just let it dry out and put it away while it's dormant.
I have a number of Plumeria that I store like this, so I think we'll make it.

Some of the garden regulars have already moved in and set up camp.
Does anyone grow this plant? I'd love to know if it can root from cuttings like Plumeria.
Well, that's it from Tropical Texana.
And remember....if you see a 'ZEBRA' growing in someone's front yard here in Houston, it just might be our garden!  /////\\\\\\   :0)


  1. David, I'm flabbergasted. A variegated coral tree! I would be absolutely incapable of passing up such a plant. Great score. Now that I know such a creature exists, I'll keep an eye out for it. Plumeria grows outdoors year-round here near the coast in SoCal, zone 10.

  2. Well, that's very cool! I had to let my big Erythrina crista-galli go because the roots were so invasive.

    I'm trying to catch up on blogs but time is in short supply around here with this wonderful cooler weather. So I'm making one comment per blog for all the posts I've missed ... this is it for yours! Hope your back is much better. Be careful out there!

    LOVE the new header collage.

  3. Beautiful. The site listed below mentions that its easy to grow from seed & cuttings:


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana