Friday, September 22, 2017


Turk's Cap grows wild in Houston, Texas

Long ago I fell in love with tropical plants. As a child, I would watch Tarzan movies and any show with mysterious jungles and steamy rainforests. Afterwards, I would climb my favorite tree and dream of far away places.
Houston is on the very northern edge of all things tropical. It's a nice place to push the boundaries of tropical house plants that can grow outdoors. 
Here's a sample of what I have right now in our Houston garden.
Perhaps even Tarzan would feel at home! :0)


Umbrella plant

Mexican fire spike

A species of gardenia with huge leaves!

Root beer plant

Our native sabal palm with lots of friends.

Pothos and airplane plants

Banana cannas

My last surviving coleus with a Sansevieria.

Air potato

"The Flamingo Trail"

That's the end of our tropical tour through the garden. All of the plants shown are easily grown outdoors in our Texas coastal climate. Tropical plants thrive in heat and humidity....two commodities Houston is famous for.

All for now. Happy Gardening!


  1. I'm glad to see you're blogging again, David. I missed seeing your garden while you were away. :)

  2. Hi David! I'm also glad to see that you're blogging again. I love tropical plants too but they don't much like it here. My current garden is much hotter and drier than my former one and, with the onset of our drought, I gave up on growing plants with those big, beautiful tropical leaves. Water restrictions have eased some with this year's heavier than usual rain, however, so I may try experimenting with growing elephant ears in a pot...

  3. Its looking good. I love the pathos and wandering jew ground-cover. I wonder how that would work out here? Probably would not make it through the winter. I just might need to check into that.

  4. Hi David, Just checking in to see how your gardening is doing. We are in Mexico right now so many of these plants would work well here I believe. I love the umbrella plant. We want to put some plants in planter boxes so I've been looking at what will work for that. Good thoughts, Lindy


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana