Monday, August 28, 2017


It's been a difficult week.
I live at the "x".  Since Thursday, we've had 33 inches from Hurricane Harvey. A few areas have had even more!
 This will soon be the worst rain event in our 130+ weather history!!! Rains are expected for tonight, tomorrow and in to Wednesday.
I'll update tomorrow!



Data compiled by David Ross ~ National Weather Service
source:  "Texas Hurricane History"


Early in the week, the predictions for epic rainfall totals started to pour in. The National Weather Service started with 10-15inches and by the end of the week this news source predicted up to 40 inches (101.6 cm)!
Thursday remained dry, but cloudy. Friday ended with .80" (3.3cm) and that night brought 3.00 inches (7.6cm) of rain. It all soaked in the ground since this part of Texas had not seen rain in two weeks. So far so good.

Saturday brought only .50 inches (1.2cm) of rain. I was beginning to feel relieved....until that night.
As you can see by the above photo the first band of tropical rains completely filled our street. I measured 3.40inches (8.6cm) in 4 hours. 
It was a lot, but I had been through more until....
just a couple of hours later it poured buckets AGAIN as another band of tropical rain drenched the Houston area. I sat up and took notice!!! Two floods in one night! Geez!!!
My garden is low compared to most and the runoff from the gutters have always overwhelmed my drainage systems. So...leading up to Harvey, I set up an entire system of pipes that took the water directly from the roof to the front drive and on to the street.
My yard is too low to bury them, so I just considered the whole thing a temporary stop-gap measure against the railings of Harvey. 
This morning (Sunday) I woke up to this! It had been raining steadily since 3:30am!
To keep the water out of our house I would have to do even more.
By the way, that house on the corner is not damaged; it is new construction and they aren't finished.
I had put this nice path way in a number of years ago. But today in an extreme effort to get the predicted rains out of my back yard, I decided to pull the pavers up.
I'm so glad I did because....

We have had FOUR cycles of horrific rain bands travel through our part of Houston today.
I have kept careful records from my rain gauge.
The number for today is an all time record and looks like this:
4.20inches (street floods to all time high)
3.30 street floods again
2.40 floods again!
.90 afternoon lull (thank God!)
5.10 inches tonight (up to my porch and door! Street hits second record high in one day!)

TOTAL for SUNDAY, AUGUST 27th, 2017....15.90 inches (40.3cm) of precipitation

You might be wondering where all our street water is going? Well, here's the place.
This is White Oak Bayou near 34th street. This goes directly to downtown Houston and on to Galveston Bay. 
As you can see, we really can't handle any more RAIN here! 
Sadly, Harvey has stalled and is throwing tremendous bands of rain across this part of the Texas.

On the map above, my house and garden are next to the letter "H" in Houston. Seeing a hundred mile long rain band sends chills down my spine. Sometimes they move around a bit and that's what you hope for! Otherwise, you get 4 straight hours of drenching rain.
My 'Hill Country' stream has been flowing a lot lately. If it weren't for the hurricane, I could actually enjoy the sounds of the rippling water. 
I'm not thinking very much about my garden these days. The plants will make it just fine. Tropical gardens are like that.
What I'm thinking about right now are the people sitting on their rooftops waiting to be rescued!
We have TWO MORE days of this. I am praying that Harvey will somehow move away early and die out in some drought stricken part of the country. 
I've lived along the Texas coast all my life and seen a number of hurricanes and flood events in my 59 years.
But this ONE ranks number ONE on my list of worst FLOODS!

The old record for my garden was with Tropical Storm Allison at 20.00 inches.
All for now! Keep dry!!!

Final Updated Total Rainfall Event:
Overnight Early Morning 1.2" 
Monday Morning: 1.4"
Monday Afternoon 2.3"
Monday Night 6-10PM  2.4"
Tuesday Early Morning Midnight-8am  1.5"
Tuesday Morning 8-12  0.9" 
Tuesday PM  0.15"

GRAND TOTAL...... for 5 day Hurricane Harvey.....35.75" (91cm)

Watering Can filled itself this week!

Ceiling in bedroom now has a slow leak. It looks at bit like the shape of Antarctica.
Must now cut a hole in the sheet rock and put a plastic container up there to catch the drip.
Still no water in house, so I count myself lucky.


  1. Glad you are ok! Here in SW Montgomery county we had it pretty bad but so far still not as bad as Memorial Day 2016. Just hoping the winds don't take the power now.

  2. I can't even begin to imagine. Your ability to deal with it all (excellent piping system!) is admirable. I hope you, your family, your home and your garden all stay safe.

  3. Yuck, when I lived in San Antonio we got 7" in an hour, I thought that was bad. Hang in there it will end. Maybe Noah will keep the door open.

  4. I'm so sorry and hope the storm moves soon. Try and keep dry!

  5. So glad you are doing okay and haven't flooded too badly. Glad you have been able to control the water and keep it out of your house.

  6. I have been thinking about you. So glad your home wasn't flooded but it looks like you'll have some work to do in the garden. Smart of you to run the water out into the streets. It's hard to believe that y'all got that much rain. Wow, makes me shiver in my boots! I imagine it would be the same thing here in Florida if the storm stalls. We're sandy but once the soil is saturated it drains away slower. Best wishes to you! Glad you're safe.

  7. I'm humbled to hear about your own and your area's recent struggles. Your perspective of people on their roofs waiting for help is one I hope to never deal with, but you never know...

  8. Wow! Thanks for giving us an account of the storm from your perspective. Very interesting. Glad we did not see you on the TV news getting flooded out.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana