Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Happy GBBD from our garden in Houston, Texas.
As the saying goes, if God gives you lemons, make lemonade.
And if He gives you sunshine (after 30 years of gardening in the shade), then grow 
I always grow the standard Mammoth sunflowers, but actually LOVE the smaller, colorful sunflowers more.
Someone else also loves these colorful sunflowers. See?
These are from the Burpee "Evening Sun Mix".
The package shows 5 different colors and patterns of deep reds and bright yellows.
Here's good old Mammoth. It always cheers me up even on the gloomiest day.
And here's one of  our many-headed native sunflowers that grow along the Texas roadsides.
One managed to make it into my garden. So cool!
We have about 10 more that will be blooming next week.
Anyone else out there like sunflowers?
That's it for this GBBD. I have many other flowers, but they can wait until next time.
Hop on over to May Dreams Gardens for more flowering fun.
She's our gracious hostess each month.


  1. The best part about sunflowers is that weeds tend not to grow around them.

  2. Those sunflowers are beauties. Yours turned out so well, I tried them one year and they weren't nearly as pretty.

    Happy GBBD!

  3. Beautiful! I couldn't grow sunflowers either, until we moved to our current, sunnier garden 3 years ago. This year marked my 1st attempt to grow them from seed, which I was moderately successful at doing - I may dedicate all my raised vegetable planters to growing sunflowers next summer. Happy GBBD, David!

  4. Beautiful! I was never able to grow them in North Carolina with all the hard clay. I have a few seedlings in a container here but started them rather late, so we'll see what they do :) I love sunflowers - yours are gorgeous!

  5. Love Sunflowers. I can only imagine the humidity right now:)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana