Tuesday, June 24, 2014


If you can figure out how to listen to the music while you read this, then more power to ya!

Last Autumn, THE HOME BUILDER next door decided that the forest canopy was a BAD thing and commenced cutting down all the beautiful trees. Since that time, I've had to do an about face to keep up with the new SUNNY side of gardening.
As you may recall, I've gardened in the SHADE here at Tropical Texana for almost 30 years (except for a narrow strip in the very front of the yard).
Lucky for me I was raised in the middle of a  Texas prairie where we had endless sun from one horizon to the other.
So...let's take a tour and see what's happening. 
Here's THE NEXT DOOR MILLION DOLLAR MANSION shining in the sun. I feel like I've moved to a different neighborhood without actually moving! Wow!
In  front of my new mansion (ha ha) is the start of the newest addition to our garden. 
My boyhood home on the Texas prairie had sunshine all the day long.
The front garden has had two extra hours of sunshine this year. I have admit the plants are actually happy for the extra sunlight.
The front herb garden and cottage garden have also fared well with lots of blooms (but extra watering).
This biggest changes are here in the shade garden. I'm basically taking it apart and moving it one piece at a time. The ferns will go to their new home when it is cooler. Moving them now would be instant death.
The only 'shade' garden I have left from the original area is this small piece underneath a redbud tree.
I've added cannas since they love half a day of sun.
I just finished this planting yesterday. It will get about 5 hours of morning sun  followed by a shady afternoon. Below are the plants I'm growing:
Blue plumbago and violet gomphrenas
Ruellia humilis 'Blue Shade'
Angelonia 'Serena Purple'
Convolvulus 'Blue Daze'...
...and in the background I've planted this Texas native called Little Bluestem. We grew this in our hay meadow so it feels like an old friend is coming home.

I could be really sad about the destruction of the garden next door.
But I know someday I'll see something a little better than this!
Maybe a gardener will move in and we can share plants.
In the meantime, I'm going to go drink some iced tea and get out of the sun for awhile.
Happy Gardening and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wow - you just never know. You sure are taking it well though, better than I would. Good luck with the moving of the shade garden that was...

  2. I think you've made the best of the situation under the circumstances. That kind of transition is difficult for most plants - I'm still dealing with repercussions of the loss of shade on one side of my own house one year after the removal of a 60 foot Eucalyptus tree (taken down at the request of a neighbor who claimed, under the terms of a local statute, that the tree blocked her view). BTW, Blogger has a button that allows you to insert videos, including YouTube videos, when composing a post - I know this only because I spent some time recently futzing around with that on one of my own posts.

  3. David, the gardens are looking good despite the drastic change in light conditions. That monstrosity next to you ... well, the less said the better.

  4. Lovely transition, David. Think of bright colors and you'll have beautiful moments every time. I do that when we're having a whole week of gloomy skies, more soggy garden and slopes .. so .. I go to my colors with my art, jewelry designing and online colourlovers dot com. It brightens up my day anytime. Namaste

  5. Your lovely garden is the only relief from the eyesore next door. Sorry you lost your former neighbor and the shared shade from her garden trees.

  6. I like how you've found the silver lining, David. You're right -- you could sulk or be angry, or you could embrace the sunlight and the new plants that you can grow, and you can hope for a gardening neighbor. The path you've chosen is better for your health in every way. You're my inspiration!

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  8. Ugh...sorry you have this problem.
    But, looks like you're taking it in stride.
    Your new sun garden is looking good, already.

  9. I remember when you were telling about how they were building such a tall house in your neighborhood of one-stories. That one must quite stick out! Well, I'm glad that most of your plants are appreciating the greater amount of sun. Your plants do look quite happy in your garden! Hopefully you'll have great neighbors who, even if they don't do gardening, will take one look at your garden and want to learn!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana