Saturday, November 2, 2013


Once a year, I get to take you to my elementary school to visit the annual Storybook Pumpkin Patch. These pumpkins were designed by students and their families at home and are displayed in the library during October. Hope you like this year's entries. David/:0)

One of my favorites this year was the Lorax by Dr. Seuss.

Here's a little fox by the name of  Geronimo Stilton.

*By the way, right now on planet Earth, every kid at my school
is watching a youtube video called 'What does the fox say'.
It's from a band in Norway and it's fun, but utter nonsense.
However, the children CANNOT STOP singing it.
Care to join them? 

Here's a beautiful rendition of Clifford, the lovable red dog.

Here's a fly. The kids can tell you all about this character, but I don't have a clue what they are talking about.

Another mystery. This storybook character is called Ivan. I've not read the book.

This is from a children's book entitled, "There was an old lady who swallowed a BAT!"
Of course, most of remember the old lady that swallowed a FLY...did she die?
I hope not.

Here's cute storybook pumpkin with braces.

And here's the Ugly Duckling. It gets my vote on most creative pumpkin this year.
Have you noticed all the unusual colors of pumpkins on the market? This one is gray.

Here's Captain Underpants, another popular children's series.

Here's an elephant  pumpkin...another creative endeavor.

I was glad to see Bad Kitty since I love the book series and this character.

Here's a Dalmatian (with a pumpkin inside).

And here's a well-painted R2D2 from Star Wars. You probably have noticed that none of these pumpkins are carved. That's because after 5 days in the library things start to SMELL a bit stinky.
Imagine 100 pumpkins in your child's library all smelling a bit musty. 
That's why we have a NO CARVE policy.

I'll end with my other favorite and here he is. The little minions seem to be taking over the world these days
and this one made it into our library pumpkin patch. If I had the time, I'd replace my pink flamingos with yellow minions and they'd be all around my garden. 
So which one is your favorite? Do tell and leave a comment!
All for now and thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a fun tradition!

  2. Oh, my - they are all so cute! Not sure I can name a favorite. What a fun and very creative assignment.

  3. The students are very creative! I like the old lady with the bat, the minion and the Lorax. I have to say I'd never heard the Norwegian band's song. It was cute, although I can't imagine listening to kids singing it all day - my cat started crying as soon as it started playing and continued until it ended but then he's no critic either.

  4. Minion of course!
    Ohh.. Wow!
    I never knew that un-carved pumpkins & a bit of creativity can make a whole lot of difference.
    And yes...
    These ones can last very long compared to the carved counterparts.

  5. What cool pumpkins! Thanks for sharing these, they made me giggle.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana