Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I love tropical gardening. But here in Houston, old man winter is poised to snuff it all out any month from November to February. But for now, all is green after cool weather and wonderful Autumn rains.
Ficus lutea from Africa

My agave collection
These will need thinning out next Spring. Ouch!
Giant Bauhinia leaves
Young castor beans grown from seed.
Young variegated banyan fig tree surrounded by other beauties.
Neoregelia bromeliads will need to come in during frosts.
Coleus 'You're So Vein' is still growing strong. This was my best coleus of the year.
Prickly pear and some weird bromeliads in pots.
Variegated Alstromeria frolics in the other foliage.
And finally, the exotic seed wings of the rain tree...Koelreuteria elegans.
Sometimes they stay this color while other winters they turn completely pink.

That's it for this November. I'll be putting everything away in the little greenhouse by next week.
Happy Gardening from David/:0)


  1. Great selection there David, and that Ficus lutea, wow!

  2. Looking fabulous David! Make sure you take lots and lots of photos during your agave thinning project!

  3. You have a lot of nice plants to tuck in for the winter. I particularly like the variegated banyan fig tree.

  4. That is a very interesting Coleus going on there in the garden.

  5. So much green! How lovely, David. It's all white here -- frost today, snowflakes expected at the weekend. P. x

  6. That's a lot of different, lush foliage you have got going on in the garden there! Your garden still looks like it's going strong! The rain tree is gorgeous with the pink. Good luck with the thinning of your agaves. I don't envy you that chore!

  7. Wonderful post, so many pretty things. The first frost past, everything is putting out new green here after a rain. I pulled as many things as I could so I don't have to see when they die forever. I look forward to a peek into your greenhouse after it is 'stuffed.'

  8. I love the Rain Trees. I am further north of you and they do not seem to grow here.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana