Saturday, October 5, 2013


Not that I don't love month after month of swealtering heat, shirt-soaking humidity, swarms of mosquitoes, and buckets of still, stagnant air, but I'm ready for a COLD FRONT! How about you?
Lows in the 50s (10C)......gardening is going to be fun this upcoming week!
By the way, you might keep the folks in Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee in your prayers. They're getting a cold front AND a tropical storm at the same time. This has happened to us before and we had 10 to 20 inches of rain in one day. It's like endlessly squeezing a 300 mile long sponge over one place! Ouch!
All for now,


  1. I have my chore list ready!

  2. Lucky you ...after a long, hot summer. Send a little our way, please!

  3. I know right??!!! I love it! Enjoy this wonderful time outside:)

  4. We're beginning to feel little streams of chilly air wafting through so it'll be here soon and you won't have to wait too much longer either. It seems like it took forever to cool down this year.

  5. David, we are SO ready for some coolness ! I'm just west of San Antonio, have been melting this week outside. UGH. We are cheering that cold front on !! Although we could use some more rain, I am thankful that the hurricane went east. Thankful it has stayed tropical storm instead. Prayers with our neighbors to the east !!

  6. Ouch, how did yesterday go? Here in London, cold fronts like that tend to pour rain on the surface and just wash away everything if we have had dry weather for a long time, the ground can't possibly soak up all the water and we end up with floods instead. We like the rain a bit more spread out!

  7. We just got blasted by our first heavy-duty Santa Ana winds of the season but the forecasters are predicting a possibility of rain later this week! If it comes, it would be a minor miracle as we haven't had measurable rain since winter ended. Enjoy your cooler weather. I'll keep my fingers crossed that Mother Nature calms down and provides everyone a nice fall season.

  8. Aren't the days simply wonderful! How long we have waited.

  9. Even had a touch of Christmas chill here this morning! 50F low, but something in the air...probably snowed somewhere near the Colorado border today. Hope our air makes it there soon...

  10. If only it had lasted longer ... but we just have to hold out 5 days for the next one!

  11. I'ml sitting here at McDonlds in Colorado Springs reading about your garden. This is Bob. You say your neighbor cut down the trees. Does that mean they have started a new house on that lot?


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana