Saturday, September 7, 2013


I've always loved trees. As a boy, I used to climb trees and sit in them for hours. We had a tree house and our summer days were spent up there with the birds and the forest of leaves.
I think the senseless destruction of the huge trees next door triggered a lot of anger and sadness. I think the loss will eventually subside. 
Here are some reasons why the land developer should have kept the trees.
Trees moderate the temperature in neighborhoods. On a hot day, it can be 10 degrees cooler in the shade of a large tree.
Trees open the world of nature to children. Climbing trees, having a tree swing, and watching animals and birds in trees are priceless treasures for our youth.
Trees are the largest living land organisms on earth. Owning a large tree or a beautiful specimen gives the owner a sense of pride and a connection to the world at large.
Surrounding yourself with trees and nature lowers stress. And who doesn't need that in this day and age?
Many studies even connect the color green with lower stress levels.
No wonder I love to garden in the shade of trees.
Trees save you money! A set of trees over your roof or on the western side of your house can noticably reduce your energy bills. Sadly, the trees they cut down next door were all on the western side.
I'd like to tell the new owners so that they can call  the land developer. Maybe if enough new owners complain about NOT getting a choice about which trees to keep, then things might change.

Here's my collection of tree books. Yes, I LOVE trees!

Trees are a major part of the ecosystem and a habitat to wildlife. They play a major role in almost every food web. They also provide humans with lumber for their homes and wood for their furniture.
They deserve our respect.
The sawdust left after the pine was cut down on the border of my garden property.

 Technically, trees are a renewable resource. But it will take about 80 years to get back the canopy that we lost in one day of cutting. I'll be 135 years old at that point. Of course I'll be dead.
Renewable takes a LONG time in some cases.
Once you lose the canopy, everything underneath has to adjust. Here are my cast iron plants after one week of sun. Not pretty.
Even understory trees are affected. Here's an example of sun scorch on my little American holly tree.
Now for some good news:
 Though I'll probably not get over the change very easily, not all the news is bad. This gardenia has really enjoyed the extra sunshine and has a new flush of foliage.
In fact, the entire front garden is getting more light with dramatic results. This is the first time I've had all of my yuccas bloom at once.
Gardeners are a hopeful bunch. And just like these exciting new buds on my plumeria, I'll find a way to be hopeful and get past this event. 
Thanks to all who left comments on my last post. I read every one and I thank you for your support.

Here's the last view of the giant pecan tree they cut down last week.
Most people would love a tree like this in their backyard.
Now I'm done with this topic. It's time to move on to better things.


  1. David, I was worrying about your garden this week, suddenly exposed to all that western sun. Those poor cast iron plants ... perhaps they should be composted and some agaves can take their place!

  2. Not having many trees in my garden, I think I had forgotten how large and beautiful trees can get, especially when there are so many together that they form a shady canopy. I can understand your mourning, and can only imagine the shock of what your garden must be experiencing right now. I do hope your new neighbors will be gardeners, and that you and your garden somehow learn to adjust to the extra sunlight.

  3. That was an awesome tree and I couldn't agree more with you on trees. We have the same problem here where developers eliminate every tree. Such ashame! Counties really should have an ordinance against it. I'm proud to be a tree hugger!

  4. The natural gas company cut a big old pin oak tree down by my father's years ago. We couldn't understand it. It had been there for years and all of a sudden it had to go? That pecan tree sure was beautiful.

  5. Ouch! What will you do about your burnt plants?

  6. So sorry. It is really hard to understand. When I had my house built, I actually moved the house to save a tree.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana