Tuesday, June 11, 2013


As a schoolteacher, the last day of school is the first day of summer
& the prospects of finally getting to garden!
Just down the street from my elementary school is THE premiere
Texas Cottage Garden within the Houston area.
This is my third post about Cindy's 'My Corner of Katy'
and what strikes me as interesting is
how different the garden looks 
each month.
And like any true gardener, she is constantly moving things around! 
Sound familiar? :0)
This is the June version of her stunning cottage style garden.

One of her many daylily cultivars.

The sunny front with agaves, yellow rudbeckias and some great yard art.
A wider view of the front garden with yellow and purple flowers anchoring this sunny scene.
A fabulous Furcraea...a cousin to the agave. 
One of the many granite gravel paths with stone edgings.
The rain lilies (Zephranthes) were everywhere and dazzling!
Agave 'Big Hat' amidst a sea of salvias, rudbeckias, and the BIG PURPLE FLOWER
The shady woodland garden.
A little troll has found a home in the flapjacks!
These potted plants don't realize how good they have it!
Tender loving care everywhere.
Watch out!
What Texas cottage garden would be complete without a Blue Bottle Tree?
She has several.
The side garden with a lilac tree in full bloom. (aka...chaste tree or Vitex
Her flower-mobile bumper stickers tell the story.
Do they sell these in a 10 pack?
Anyone else want one?
Cindy's garden is full of little signs and wonders.
I'll end the tour with a scene from her pond in the back corner.
This gorgeous water lily was in bloom.
Thanks, Cindy, for the inspiration and keep at it!
Maybe more Houstonians will start cottage gardens thanks to you. 

By the way, the opening photo collage was made using an online program called piZap. 
It's a great, it's free, and it's easy! 



  1. A very nice way to begin your summer. Cindy's cottage garden is gorgeous which great personal and very Texan touches.

  2. What a great place to visit ~ beautiful garden . . . and I love the peace sign garden art!

  3. nice place ! thanks for showing us. "Big Purple Flowers" -- maybe verbena bonariensis ?

  4. My kind of garden! Enjoyed the tour.

  5. Thank you, David, for this lovely garden tour. I remember your past post about this garden. I like the style of cottage garden, either British, Texan, or Japanese. Such gardens need more cares and attention in spite of the natural, untamed look. I like the hap-hazard part. And, thank you for the introduction of the useful site for collage.

    From Japan in dry rainy season

  6. Nice post and I keep up with Cindy and the HG also. Your picture of the water lily is beautiful. Maybe we should have a Houston area bloggers tour and tour each others gardens. Thanks for posting and have a great summer.

  7. Beautiful garden. Packed full of beautiful flowers. Love the gravel paths, and the chaos sign, too. Looks like a great place to wander around. By looking at the photos, she has loads of plants squeezed in, so I imagine it would take several tours to see everything!

  8. I remembered you posted her garden last year. It inspired me, again! The front garden with yellow and purple flowers is just gorgeous!! And the granite gravel paths looks cool!Thank you for sharing, David!!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana