Sunday, March 31, 2013


The Quesnelia testudo bromeliad is blooming for the first time. Looks like one of those coral reefs
you see on TV.
The flower actually 'glows' so much that my camera could not focus on it!
I've never had my camera 'go weird' on me before. I did this shot about 10 times.
Quesnelias are not a well-known bromeliad genus. This one seems to like Houston a lot and has already pupped. Be sure and protect from frost.
The serrated edges and the dagger point on each leaf is nothing to mess around with.
I got stabbed in the leg trying to take this photo....and I'm a guy used to dealing with Agaves!
You should not grow this one around small children or around awkward people that fall into your garden plants.
All for now!


  1. Funny, I just stumbled upon your blog and noticed that flower right away! I have the same plant and didn't know what it was. Mine just bloomed this past week. Thanks for the ID.

  2. The color on that is gorgeous! Hey, my Lengua de Vaca cactus has buds on it! I don't think I've given you a start of that one and I just happen to have a couple rooted. I also have a Big Hat agave for you!

  3. It's pretty! I had to laugh about people falling into garden plants - I've been known to lose my balance and fall into a rose or two! So, that was a good warning to know about! :)

  4. It is a beauty, for sure. That color is amazing.

  5. Lovely photos. I think this is the very same brom that I put dibs on last time I visited my brother's garden.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana