Saturday, February 23, 2013


One of my all time favorite color combinations is blue and yellow.  Does anyone else like this combination?
Artists like Vincent van Gogh are famous for using these colors in their paintings.

So here are some of the yellows I'll be using:
Crystal Yellow Zinnia will be back again. 
Here's the orange version with purple Angelonia.
I'm really excited that the Gazanias came back from the winter. Both the silver and green foliage types are from South Africa and can take both the heat and humidity of the Texas Gulf Coast.
I won't be leaving out our Texas natives. The diminutive Dahlberg daisy (Dyssodia) is 
a wonderful little addition between rocks. Isn't it cute?
And of course the Rudbeckias are a mainstay. This year I'm trying to find long season bloomers since 'Goldsturm' 
only lasts a few weeks here in my semi-shade garden. If you know of any to try, please tell me.
Here are some wonderful smaller Rudbeckias in my friend's garden called  "From My Corner of Katy."
 Cindy has shared some wonderful plants with me including Rudbeckias that seem to
bloom all summer!
For Houston, I strongly recommend the Cape Daisy.
Mine have been in bloom all winter, all summer, and I would guess every month in between.
Cape Daisies (Euryops pectinatus) are also native to South Africa.
If you want a similar Texas native that also blooms for extended times, try Zexmenia hispida.
Here's the whole plant. The flowers have very long, rough stems and the plant grows very quickly.
I'll end with my favorite. This is Coreopsis 'Route 66'.
It's a beautiful little plant with green, needle-like foliage.
Next time I'll talk about the last of the color triad....the hot pink flowers that will round out my tropical cottage garden.
That's it for now.
Thanks for stopping by &
Happy Gardening.
Lime green coleus looks great with blue flowers.
Try some this year and see!


  1. Smukke billeder fyldt med dejlige gule farver. Her i Danmark trænger vi snart til at se varme farver.
    Kh. Jørn

  2. We love this colour combo, so striking!

  3. I have had that color combination, but purely by accident. I was trying to have an entire bed of blue and some black-eyed Susans planted themselves among the blues. Sometimes, Mother Nature know best!

  4. I love, love, love blue and yellow, and you've got some great plants to work with. If you were my neighbor I would share my blue sage with you. I think you would love it! p.s. your mosaic is so pretty!

  5. Your newest your garden pics... ~Sabri~

  6. David, you know I'm always happy to unload ... erm, share ... plants with you! I'm still trying to remember which Rudbeckia it was we'd talked about my saving for you.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana