Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A MUST SEE....My Garden Blog Background Music

Have you searched for the perfect background music for your garden blog?
I have..... and I think I've finally found it.
Thanks to one of my wonderful students, I've discovered the Piano Guys.
I wish I could transfer this type of creativity to my garden this year!
So what do you think? Do you like them?
Enjoy! David/:0)
P.S. My wife used to work for a piano tuner...he'd die if he saw these guys doing this!


  1. I like the music and the song but almost always turn off background music. I find it distracting. But that's just me! A lot of people like it. :o)

  2. I agree, I also turn off background music on blogs, find it a nuisance. But this video was fabolous! I have already forwarded the link to several people, great stuff!

  3. That's so cool! Laura

  4. I too turn off the background music on blogs.
    But this one video is truly inspiring. Makes me feel that anyone can make music - when you are excited about it - you can just get inspired and enjoy it and break some rules.
    I guess most gardeners feels that way too - breaking the rules of nature in their garden time to time.
    Thanks for sharing this

  5. I think this is the best blog I have been through all this day.
    gardening victoria


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana