Sunday, January 27, 2013


I spent the whole day taking photos so that I could assemble a January Mosaic. Then my laptop died trapping all my photos inside its little sinister circuits. Ugh!
So...I switched to my old computer and found these flowers and foliage from May 2004.
It was one of the best years for tropical gardening in Houston.

I'm joining Little Red House...the founder of Mosaic Mondays.
Of course, I have to keep trying all the bells and whistles on the picmonkey website, so here's a look at the cartoon (drawing) feature with the same plants:
I'm not sure it's an improvement, but it IS interesting.

Happy Monday to all!
For those gardeners who want to know, here's what is pictured:
Top row: various canna leaves, Canna lily bloom, Red banana leaf
Middle row: Alpinia ginger, Canna bloom, Daylily bloom opening
Bottom row: Cat palm bloom, Musa ornata bloom, Bloodspot banana leaves


  1. well I hope you find your photos in your laptop! But the ones you shared with us are lovely. I wish I had more tropical plants in my garden, but it really isn't the right climate for them. The drawing feature is so interesting! I will have to go over and check it out. Thanks for the link.
    Have a wonderful week. I am linking up to you through Mosaic Monday.

  2. The second pic looks like stained glass! Happy Monday!

  3. You gotta love the computer,lol. Great mosaic, I do like the drawing effect.

  4. Really neat pictures! I am going to have to try it out. I may have to wait for my teens to help me.

  5. Both mosaics are wonderful but I love the second on. Worthy of a place on the wall.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana