Monday, December 17, 2012


I am a big fan of Georgia O'Keeffe's flower paintings. I always wonder what would happen if she had some of today's new flowers to paint. Some weren't available in the early 1900s.

I'm guessing she would be fascinated with Clerodendrum ugandense.

Here's the interior.

And here are the whiskers with the curved blue cap. There's lots for a painter to enjoy!

It's almost like music...perhaps a quartet of color...or a whole symphony of movement.

Here's a photo in the same style as Georgia O'Keeffe. This flower captures the abstract feel of her paintings. It becomes more than just a flower. It becomes a mysterious world of beautiful forms. 

Here's a deep interior shot. My camera fails at this point to capture the beauty. But this would be the beginning point for O'Keeffe. And that's why I love her paintings.

One of my favorite paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe

And one of her Iris paintings...another of my favorites.

That's it for today. The world needs another Georgia O'Keeffe. Any painters out there?
Thanks so much for stopping by my little garden.


  1. Someday I'd love to paint my garden's flowers. I have a friend who loves to paint, and she started gardening so that she would have fresh subject matter at her disposal. Now she paints her garden. Someday....

  2. David, I love this posting! I admire O'Keeffe's work too. Your photography certainly does the plant justice - as beautiful as one of her paintings. Happy Holidays! P. x

  3. I bet she would, that is a wonderful bloom!

  4. Beautiful! The shape is very interesting.

  5. I just planted my first Clerodendrum this year. It is photographed somewhere in my blog. I am really enjoying it. I thought it was finished blooming, but it has kept on blooming and the freeze did not bother it.

  6. Oh my! That's a new one for me too. And your photos are just stunning. Painting-worthy. Happy Holidays!

  7. Very pretty! I am definitely not a painter by any means (I can barely do stick drawings), but I'll bet there's some sort of artistic filter you could put the photos through on the computer to turn them into more like a painting :)

  8. A really elegant looking flower, seems like dancing in the breeze. Are any flower, fruits, veggies growing in Texas now? Here everything is frozen and I can't wait for winter to go away.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana