Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Our pecan trees are yielding a bumper crop this year.

It's a lot like an Easter egg hunt. Here are two resting in the aloes.

And here are some in a more camouflaged position.
I'm certain I find only half of what's out there.

Pecan trees can get huge. We have seven in and about our garden. During most years all of the pecans are grabbed by the squirrels. But this year there are plenty for all.

This is the view when you look straight up in our backyard. Pecan trees abound.

Pecans are a nice addition to our Thanksgiving meal.

It takes some work, but you can eat them directly from the shell. You can also roast them.

I'll end with a view of the beautiful forest above our garden. This shot was taken from our roof. I was up there today cleaning off the leaves and hunting for pecans.
You can see why I like living in the Oak Forest neighborhood. 
Someone back in the 1940s was very forward thinking to leave the trees as they built the bungalows following World War II.
That's it for today. 
I'm thankful you stopped by.
By the way, the largest pecan tree in Texas and the second largest in the United States is in Weatherford, Texas. Here's a photo of the tree!
The pecan is the state tree of Texas.


  1. They do say everything in Texas is big. Your pecan trees are lovely and they do add a wonderful feel to your home. I love tall trees. I also like the box you have the pecans in. David, I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I lived in Oak Forest many years ago when the tornado went through and topped many of the pine trees. A beautiful neighborhood that I used to ride my bike through for hours.

  3. We've enjoyed many a pecan harvest, the in-laws in New Mexico have a beautiful tree and have send us a nice big box every so often.

    Happy Thanksgiving...

  4. We had a pretty good crop also - only one other crop was bigger. I'm emailing your biggest Tx pecan tree pic to hubby, wow!

  5. How fun to have so many pecans - free ones, at that! They are so expensive in the stores! Thanks for the reminder about when to harvest pecans. I don't have any here, but I know where some are! :)

  6. It would be nice to have a pecan tree in the garden. Pecans are a favourite of mine. The pecan tree in your last shot is impressive. How old must that tree be?

  7. My former in-laws in our valley had an old Stuart Pecan. Always bears a heavy crop, even after they top it (arrgh!) and the crows take so many pecans and crack them open by dropping or hurling them at their roof. Great trees.

  8. What wonderful big shade trees to have around your house and then to be able to harvest the nuts as well is even better.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana