Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I was watering the back garden today when I noticed that one of the leaves went flying when the water hit. Do you see it?
How about now? It has so many shades of green and tan that it could probably make it in the Amazon rainforest.
Instead, it's native to eastern America.
Thanks to my garden blog friend Lucy, it was easy to identify.
She's also posted a spectacular photo of one from her garden.
It's called a Pandorus Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha pandorus).
Here's our nephew enjoying a closeup encounter.
They're a huge moth but completely harmless.
Fifth place ~" Hanging On"
To celebrate its arrival, I decided to have my own photo contest for this marvelous visitor. I may never see one in my garden again. I took a lot of photos (around 50), then picked my top five.
Fourth place ~ "Eumorpha pandorus"
Next to gardening, I would say photography is my favorite hobby. It's a lot like fishing...the mysterious waters hold secrets. Plus, there's always that BIG ONE that no one seems to catch.

3rd Place ~ "Dark Knight"
What makes photography especially difficult is the fact that I don't possess an expensive camera. Instead, I have to work twice as hard to get the lighting perfect and I dare not breathe or the entire shot turns to a blur.

2nd Place ~ "Angles of Nature"
What I work for is what every photographer dreams of; an image that goes beyond the subject matter and touches the emotions with a beauty all its own.
1st place ~ " Unseen Visitor"
I picked this one because it has those qualities and the ray of light spotlights the velvety texture of this superb work of Nature.
 I hope you get a special visitor in your garden this week.
And if you do, hold your breath and aim your camera.
As always, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Now that is one goreous moth! You had the right idea. Beautiful pics to go with the magnificent subject:)

  2. Great photos of your special visitor! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Just great! A similiar one visited my garden few months ago. I was trying so harad to find out its ID and finally you've got it for me. When I next make a post, I'll link it to yours. Thanks.

  4. A beautiful creature and fabulous photos.

  5. Great photos and what an elegant moth!

  6. Thanks so much for your superb photographic work. I'd never before seen this moth.

  7. What a thrill you must have had! Great shots, David. The view of the texture of its body in the last shot is just amazing.

  8. What great photos! Love the one "Dark Knight"!

  9. That's a beautiful moth.
    I don't think I can pick a favorite photo. They're all stunning.

  10. Wonderful photos of a wonderful visitor. He truly is beautiful up close. I've mistaken these fellows for hummers in my garden before. They are amazing creatures!

  11. Great photos! I agree with the first place ranking on the last one. I have seen this moth in pictures, but never in my garden. I bet it is gorgeous to see in person.

  12. What a nice surprise to get such a wonderful visitor. Beautiful!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana